Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Mass at Saint Mary's Church Ottawa ON, Canada - March 18, 2020

In the Weeks Ahead Let Us Remember His Mercies

I managed to find a pen and a piece of paper in my messy purse to jot down a few words from Deacon Marc's homily at mass yesterday and I'm glad I did because I have a terrible memory and would have forgotten it all by the time I got home. 

"Lent is a time to go into the wilderness like a pilgrim people in an alien land"

"Without the mercies and Grace of God poured out by Him where would we be? Without God's mercy, without God's love we are nothing. "

" In the Weeks Ahead Let Us Remember His Mercies." 

 Hosea- Come Back to Me
from the Monks of the Weston Priory

1...Come back to me with all your heart. Don't let fear keep us apart.
Trees do bend, though straight and tall; so must we to others' call.


Long have I waited
For your coming home to Me
And living deeply our new life.

2...The wilderness will lead you to your heart where I will speak.
Integrity and justice with tenderness you shall know.

3....You shall sleep secure with peace; faithfulness will be your joy.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Thank you God for this Wonderful Gift today!

The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Holy Communion,  
Eucharistic Adoration until 4:00 pm

Monday, March 16, 2020

Trusted resources about COVID-19 from EWTN

I subscribe to EWTN and I received this from them yesterday

" As our nation and the world face the situation surrounding COVID-19, EWTN News is here to cover this health crisis faithfully every step of the way.

Unlike the secular media, EWTN News presents you with the facts without the politics, and brings our Catholic faith into our News coverage. Rather than hype and panic, we’re here to deliver content you can rely on prayerfully and more peacefully.

Over the next days and weeks, EWTN News will continue to keep you informed with the latest news on COVID-19 and remain a trusted resource for you.

We want to share some of the top posts from EWTN News surrounding the Coronavirus which we thought you might find helpful. 

From a spiritual perspective, here are some prayerful resources:
We also think you will find these useful:
And here’s our special news pages on related topics that will be updated on an ongoing basis from CNA and the Register.

Please stay tuned to all our News programming on TV and on the radio, and be sure to stay connected with us online as well at along with our social media channels. Together we can stay connected and informed.

And as many dioceses and parishes have taken the extraordinary measure to cancel the celebration of public Masses, we want to remind you that EWTN broadcasts the daily Mass live at 8am Eastern from Our Lady of the Angels Chapel on the EWTN campus in Irondale, Alabama. At that time, you can watch live on TV or online via streaming at

If you miss the live stream you can also watch the daily Mass here. You may find the prayer for making an act of spiritual communion here.

We ask that you would pray for healing and comfort for all those who are directly impacted by the virus and be reminded that God is greater than any fear, anxiety, and stress that you may experience during this uncertain time.

God bless you,"

EWTN News, Inc.
5817 Old Leeds Rd
Irondale AL 35210

Jordan Peterson Introduction To God Part 1 - 2020

Jordan Peterson Lectures on the Psychological Significance of the Bible and  
Jordan Peterson Animation  creates pencil renderings of the content he's discussing .
It's really well done and extremely helpful in understanding Peterson's presentation.

Friday, March 6, 2020

CPC leadership candidate Jim Karahalios - Interviewed by Ezra Levant - Rebel Media

I really like this guy!

A few excerpts from the interview including the treatment of Andrew Scheer and Richard Decarie by the Party Elite

3 min: 45 sec" If you are in favour of a carbon tax you can get away with anything. You can get away with vote rigging. You can get away with misusing taxpayers money. "

11 min::29 sec " If I'm on the final ballot as a Blue Tory fighting corruption , fighting the Paris Accord, fighting the Carbon tax, fighting the Establishment , It's going to be a game changer and a different race."

13 Min: 45 sec  "In regards to Richard Decarie . I don't like the fact that they're running it like a closed club"

14 min: " We have a problem with the Conservative and Liberal Establishment in this Country. They treat Political Parties like a private Club."
" My problem is with the narrative that has taken place since the October Election with Andrew Scheer and Richard Decarie. I believe they got targeted with certain questions from the mainstream media because they're Catholics and because they're Christians". 1,000 people signed Richard Decarie's nomination form but a handful of people disqualified him with pressure from the O'toole and Lewis Campaigns to get Richard out of the race. I saw people from Erin O'Toole's team target Andrew Scheer for his Catholic Faith, the way he was raised, the way he raised his family." 

15Min " If you're a Catholic or a Christian there is a consistent targeting of questions where Evan Soloman will spend 11 minutes in an interview talking about the biology of sex and not talking about the issues that matter to Canadians "

Mary Is Gathering Her Children - March 25, 2020, Blessed Sacrament Parish

Care for the Dying on DnA Life March 5, 2020

Yesterday on the DnA Live Show the previously unknown sculptor of the miraculous statue
of Our Lady of the Cape, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary was revealed.
The statue was donated in 1854 by Zerphirin Dorval without mention of who created it!

Also, Angelina discusses Care for the Dying resources
with Fr. Tim, Linda Robillard and Marie Coombs.