Showing posts with label Conservative leadership race. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conservative leadership race. Show all posts

Friday, March 6, 2020

CPC leadership candidate Jim Karahalios - Interviewed by Ezra Levant - Rebel Media

I really like this guy!

A few excerpts from the interview including the treatment of Andrew Scheer and Richard Decarie by the Party Elite

3 min: 45 sec" If you are in favour of a carbon tax you can get away with anything. You can get away with vote rigging. You can get away with misusing taxpayers money. "

11 min::29 sec " If I'm on the final ballot as a Blue Tory fighting corruption , fighting the Paris Accord, fighting the Carbon tax, fighting the Establishment , It's going to be a game changer and a different race."

13 Min: 45 sec  "In regards to Richard Decarie . I don't like the fact that they're running it like a closed club"

14 min: " We have a problem with the Conservative and Liberal Establishment in this Country. They treat Political Parties like a private Club."
" My problem is with the narrative that has taken place since the October Election with Andrew Scheer and Richard Decarie. I believe they got targeted with certain questions from the mainstream media because they're Catholics and because they're Christians". 1,000 people signed Richard Decarie's nomination form but a handful of people disqualified him with pressure from the O'toole and Lewis Campaigns to get Richard out of the race. I saw people from Erin O'Toole's team target Andrew Scheer for his Catholic Faith, the way he was raised, the way he raised his family." 

15Min " If you're a Catholic or a Christian there is a consistent targeting of questions where Evan Soloman will spend 11 minutes in an interview talking about the biology of sex and not talking about the issues that matter to Canadians "