Showing posts with label persecution of Catholics by the Liberal Media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label persecution of Catholics by the Liberal Media. Show all posts

Friday, March 6, 2020

CPC leadership candidate Jim Karahalios - Interviewed by Ezra Levant - Rebel Media

I really like this guy!

A few excerpts from the interview including the treatment of Andrew Scheer and Richard Decarie by the Party Elite

3 min: 45 sec" If you are in favour of a carbon tax you can get away with anything. You can get away with vote rigging. You can get away with misusing taxpayers money. "

11 min::29 sec " If I'm on the final ballot as a Blue Tory fighting corruption , fighting the Paris Accord, fighting the Carbon tax, fighting the Establishment , It's going to be a game changer and a different race."

13 Min: 45 sec  "In regards to Richard Decarie . I don't like the fact that they're running it like a closed club"

14 min: " We have a problem with the Conservative and Liberal Establishment in this Country. They treat Political Parties like a private Club."
" My problem is with the narrative that has taken place since the October Election with Andrew Scheer and Richard Decarie. I believe they got targeted with certain questions from the mainstream media because they're Catholics and because they're Christians". 1,000 people signed Richard Decarie's nomination form but a handful of people disqualified him with pressure from the O'toole and Lewis Campaigns to get Richard out of the race. I saw people from Erin O'Toole's team target Andrew Scheer for his Catholic Faith, the way he was raised, the way he raised his family." 

15Min " If you're a Catholic or a Christian there is a consistent targeting of questions where Evan Soloman will spend 11 minutes in an interview talking about the biology of sex and not talking about the issues that matter to Canadians "