Showing posts with label God's mercies. God's Grace. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God's mercies. God's Grace. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

In the Weeks Ahead Let Us Remember His Mercies

I managed to find a pen and a piece of paper in my messy purse to jot down a few words from Deacon Marc's homily at mass yesterday and I'm glad I did because I have a terrible memory and would have forgotten it all by the time I got home. 

"Lent is a time to go into the wilderness like a pilgrim people in an alien land"

"Without the mercies and Grace of God poured out by Him where would we be? Without God's mercy, without God's love we are nothing. "

" In the Weeks Ahead Let Us Remember His Mercies." 

 Hosea- Come Back to Me
from the Monks of the Weston Priory

1...Come back to me with all your heart. Don't let fear keep us apart.
Trees do bend, though straight and tall; so must we to others' call.


Long have I waited
For your coming home to Me
And living deeply our new life.

2...The wilderness will lead you to your heart where I will speak.
Integrity and justice with tenderness you shall know.

3....You shall sleep secure with peace; faithfulness will be your joy.