Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Saint Paul A Convinced Apostle

I attended a wonderful silent retreat on the weekend and I am still in awe of how spiritually rich an event this was. The retreat leader was Father Kenneth Leblanc LC a very holy and humble priest and a brilliant speaker. The theme of the retreat was "Saint Paul, A convinced Apostle" There were eight meditations in all including the Interior Life, Prayer and Paul's Conversion. Indeed we are temples of the Holy Spirit and God lives in us by Grace. Do I use my body to give Glory of God? Do others encounter God is me?

To commemorate the birth of the Apostle to the Gentiles, Pope Benedict XVI proclaimed this Year a Jubilee Year to the Apostle Paul: from 28 June 2008 to 29 June 2009. "Saint Paul's Spirituality is based on prayer and is mission oriented" said Father Kenneth.

Father Kenneth said that during at least 20 of Benedict's audiences since the beginning of the Pauline Year, the pope spoke passionately on Saint Paul and calls us to be apostles like Paul ; to work for the salvation of souls and to become holy, because, as Christians, we are all called to be co-workers in the kingdom of God and to be saints.

For more on Saint Paul and the Pauline Year go to this link

"....that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the holy ones what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, so that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.”
(Ephesians 3:17–19).

12 year old speaks out on the issue of abortion

12-year-old "Lia" of Toronto has become a star at her school and on Youtube with her five-minute pro-life speech, crafted for a school competition. Despite discouragement and outright opposition, Lia's presentation was so well done that she reportedly won the contest she was told she would be disqualified from, due to the "controversial"message of her speech. The speech is available in its entirety on Youtube, where it has been viewed over 100,000 times and sparked a heated discussion.
click here for video of lia's entire speech 12 year old speaks out on the issue of abortion
See complete story on Lifesite News http://www.lifesitenews.com/ldn/2009/feb/09021605.html

Monday, February 9, 2009

Pregnancy Support Centers

To contact a pregnancy helping agency in your area please call 1-800-395-HELP (4357)

Pregnancy Support Centers

Excellent Homily on Prayer and Fasting, By Father Paul Burchat from Priests for Life


By Father Paul Burchat from Priests for Life

This is a simple review of some of the basics concerning these two topics. I will start with prayer. One of if not the simplest and best place to read about prayer is in the fourth section of the Catechism. There are as many ways to define prayer, as there are ways of praying. Quoting the Little Flower the Catechism says, "prayer is a surge of the heart; it is a simple look turned toward heaven, it is a cry of recognition and of love, embracing both trial and joy" (2558). That is not necessarily the most perfect definition of prayer but it certainly is a very good one. Prayer of course is a means to an end it is not an end in itself. The end is a deeper, ongoing union with God and prayer as much as anything is what accomplishes this. I make this point because some people can become attached to their form of prayer or style of prayer and miss the real point of it. They have a set routine of prayer and can feel distressed if for some reason that pattern is disrupted. At this point it is not so much God they are seeking but the self-satisfaction of having stuck to their routine. They do all the "right" things and miss the goal. In light of this we begin to see that prayer is a dynamic and not a static reality. Ultimately it is God who invites and stimulates us to pray. Our desire for God is the result of God's desire for us. And as with any relationship the one we have with God will change and mature as time goes by. As such how we pray will change with time as well. So we should not be surprised if our prayer routine, which at one time seemed to work so well becomes dry and unappealing. It usually means that God wants to show us more sides of himself and to enter into a new phase of the relationship he has with us. That entails allowing the old form of prayer to "dry up" so we can replace it with another. You could compare this to communicating with your child. If you are still talking to your son or daughter when they are twenty as you did when they were one year old something is very wrong. Of course sometimes no matter what we do prayer can stay dry and this is God's way of testing us to see if we will stay faithful and whether or not we are really seeking him or just the consolations that can come with prayer.
Prayer is to the soul as food is to the body. If my soul is to stay healthy I need to pray, otherwise my spirit can become sick and listless. "Humility is the foundation of prayer" (CCC 2559). Real prayer demands I understand how utterly dependent I am on God. Without this I may be talking to God but I am not praying. And of course more than anything else or should I say anyone else, prayer is meant to change me not other people. As a result of praying for others they may change for the better, but even if they don't (at least from my perspective) I should be changing for the better. If I am praying for others but expecting that I will stay the same I am undermining my efforts. Therefore there is no such thing as wasted prayer. My prayer may or may not help others but it can always help me. There is also no such thing as an unanswered prayer. Every one of my prayers has been answered. I just didn't always like the answer I got. God tells me what I need to hear not what I want to hear.
There are many styles and forms of prayer: vocal, meditative, contemplative, praise, adoration, thanksgiving, sacramental, intercessory, prayers of petition, etc. etc. Where does one begin? We begin with whatever works. There really is no right or wrong way to pray. In fact there is only one wrong thing we can do in prayer, i.e. stop praying. Apart from this the field is wide open and no matter how we pray good things are going to happen, at least to us. I did not say easy things but good things. However none of this can happen without self-discipline. If we are to develop a mature life of prayer and a stable relationship with God self-discipline is absolutely indispensable. We are fooling ourselves to think otherwise. You don't develop a solid friendship with anyone unless you put the time in with him or her and it is no different with God.
There are difficulties in prayer of course; the most common is getting distracted. When this happens we should not spend much if any time in trying to track down the cause or source of the distraction much less exert any effort in trying to expel it, as this would only increase the power it has over us. We should merely return to prayer as soon as possible (CCC 2729).
Fasting is limiting the amount of food eaten. Abstinence on the other hand is completely eliminating a particular foodstuff from the diet such as meat, dairy products or what have you. Practically speaking the Church understands fasting to entail the eating of only one full meal a day and cutting back on the portions at the other meals. Fasting is not done only by religious people or for religious reasons. People will abstain from certain foods or cut back on their quantities for a variety of reasons. Dieting is a form of fasting, which is done for the purpose of losing weight and with the intention of improving one's health and/or appearance. Some people may be allergic to certain foods and need to eliminate them entirely from their diet. When the primary intention is for the sake of appearance then the underlying reason is either to enhance ones' self-esteem, to engage our narcissistic or hedonistic tendencies or some combination of these. If people are ill or preparing for surgery there may a need to fast or stop eating altogether for a period of time. Others may fast as a means of protest or to further some ideological vision or goal. The Church on the other hand asks us to fast not because she considers certain foods evil but for sound spiritual reasons. The sacrifices we undergo by fasting, as we unite them to our Lord's passion and cross, are a means of doing penance for our sins and the sins of others and thus help to further the salvation of the world. From her perspective fasting helps to curtail our self-indulgence and to tame or mortify our appetites with the ultimate goal of enhancing our spiritual growth. Fasting is one of the three primary forms of penance which the Church has always put forth for our consideration; the other two being prayer and almsgiving. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday of course are obligatory days of fast and abstinence from meat. All the Fridays of the year (which are not Solemnities) are obligatory days of penance and we certainly are free to abstain from meat on that day, but here in Canada we may substitute some other form of penance such as acts of piety or charity for abstaining from meat. This then is the sense in which the Church understands fasting and why.

For more articles and homilies on prayer and fasting please check this link
Prayer and Fasting:

2 Chronicles 7:14

" If my people, who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and heal their land."
-2 Chronicles 7:14

Holy Hour Prayer Booklets

The 40 Days for Life Prayer and Fasting Committee has put together some Pro Life prayer pamphlets which are suitable for use in prayer groups or as Holy Hours in your Church or Parish. Below are links to the prayers.
Divine Mercy Chaplet Holy Hour
Journey to Calvary  ( The Way of the Cross for the Terminally Ill)
Sacred Heart Holy Hour
Sacred Heart Holy Hour - 2 ( different readings)
Saint Joseph Holy Hour
A Rosary for Life - The Joyful Mysteries
A Rosary for Life - The Sorrowful Mysteries
Pro Life Stations of the Cross
Respect for Life Meditations on the stations of the cross are based on those celebrated by Pope John Paul II on Good Friday 1991.
Rosary for Life from Priests for Life Canada

Rosary making workshop

The Prayer and Fasting Committe of 40 Days for Life
invites you to attend a workshop on how to make a beaded string rosary. These rosaries will be given to our sidewalk councilors for them to use in their ministry. Thanks and may God bless you. Hope to see you there!
Rosary Making Workship:
When: Thursday Feb 19, 2009
Time: 1:00 PM
Where: 897 Blair Road, Gloucester ON

for directions please click on this link http://www.mapquest.com/maps?city=Ottawa&state=ON&address=+897+Blair+Road%2C

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Video on how to make a beaded cord rosary

Attention all you prayerful crafty men and women, The Spring 40 Days for Life Camaign now has a rosary making ministry and you will learn more about it at the meeting Tuesday evening at 7:00PM at Saint Pat's. We will be holding a workshop within the next week or two but if you would like a sneek preview on how to make a beaded cord rosary please click on the instructions below.

Actually this rosary is easier to make than the knotted cord rosary since the knot is the most difficult part of the rosary making

If you feel called to be part of this ministry please contact me at mtward@magma.ca

And while we are at it, if you have ever thought of making a knotted cord rosary go to
ROSARY ARMY website and watch the easy to follow video
or printable instructions please click here

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Prayers for Canada


O Most Blessed Mother Mary, Mother of Mercy, at this most critical time, we entrust our country to your loving care.
Most Holy Mother, we beg you to reclaim this land for the glory of your Son. Overwhelmed with the burden of the sins of our nation, we cry to you from the depths of our hearts and seek refuge in your motherly protection.
Look down with mercy upon us and touch the hearts of our people. Open our minds to the great worth of human life and to the responsibilites that accompany human freedom.
Free us from falsehoods that lead to the evils of abortion and the breakdown of family life. Grant us the wisdom to know and proclaim that this nation was founded on God's law and that he alone is the True Source of our cherished rights and freedoms.
Guide and protect this land from every evil and from the attacks of the powers of darkness.
O Merciful Mother, give us the courage to reject the culture of death and the strength to build a new culture of life. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen

Imprimatur: Bishop Roman Danylak, D.D
Titular Bishop of Nyssa - Dec. 12, 2004

O holy protector of the holy family, protect us children of the Lord Jesus Christ; keep far from us the errors and evils which corrupt the world; assist us from Heaven in our struggles against the powers of darkness. And as you once protected the Divine Child from the cruel edict of Herod, now defend the Church and our country and keep them safe from all dangers and threats. Spread over all of us your holy patronage so that by following your example and aided by your spiritual guidance, we may all aspire to a virtuous life, look to a holy death, and secure for ourselves the blessing of eternal happiness in Heaven.

Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady of Guadalupe we beg you to protect all mothers of the unborn and the children within their wombs. We plead with you for your help to end the holocaust of abortion. Melt hearts so that life may be revered! Holy Mother, we pray to your Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart for all mothers and all unborn children that they may have life here on earth and by the most Precious Blood shed by your Son that they may have eternal life with Him in heaven. We also pray to your Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart for all abortionists and all abortion supporters that they may be converted and accept your Son, Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Savior. Amen

Friday, January 16, 2009

Anne of Green Gables by the Greely Players

I just love the musical Anne of Green Gables. Did I tell you that my sister Paula and my niece Michelle both have parts in the upcoming Spring presentation of this well loved musical by the Greely Players? Well I'm telling you now!

for more information please this website



Do you wanna dance?

I just love this video

Where the Hell is Matt? by Matthew Harding 14 months in the making, 42 countries, and a cast of thousands. Thanks to everyone who danced with me. Matt

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Quotations from the Popes of the Church on Prayer

from http://www.cpats.org/"Promoting Catholic Apologetic support groups loyal to the Magisterium"Question and Answer Knowledge base: http://www.cpats.org/answershttp://www.cpats.org/holyquotes/index.cfmhttp://www.cpats.org/holyquotes/index.cfm

" Pray, pray, pray; prayer is the key to the treasures of God. It is the weapon of combat and of victory in every battle for good over evil." Pope Pius XII

"Prayer is the breath of the Mystical Body, it is conversation with God, the expression of its love and it's striving toward the Father." Pope Paul VI

"Pray like Jesus. Pray intently. Pray today, always in the confident communion that prayer has established between us and the Father. Because it is to a father, it is to the Father that our humble voice is addressed." Pope Paul VI

"Prayer is able to transform the world. Everything is new with prayer, both for individuals and for communities. New goals and new ideals emerge. Christian dignity and action are reaffirmed." Pope John Paul 11

"Pray for the many spiritual and material needs of your families, your communities, the whole Church, and all of humanity. Indeed, prayer is the first and greatest work of charity that we must do for our brothers and sisters."Pope John Paul 11

" In prayer, we come to see the stark reality of our own poverty, the absolute need we have for a Savior. We discover, in a more profound degree, the many ways in which we ourselves are poor and needy, and thus we begin to feel an increasing solidarity with all the poor." Pope John Paul II

"In prayer we seek, find, and converse with God just as we would with an intimate friend. We can speak of our sorrows and joys, our weaknesses and problems, and our desires to be better and to help others to be better too." Pope John Paul 11

"May prayers give wings to work, purify intentions and be a defense against the longings of materialism. And may work in its turn lead to the refreshing encounter with God in which humanity rediscovers its primordial vocation and the true meaning of its existence...... " Pope John Paul II

"In prayer the Church concentrates on Christ; she possesses Him, savors His Friendship, and is therefore in a position to communicate Him. But by exercising faith, hope, and charity in prayer, she reinforces her power to communicate Christ." Pope John Paul II

"I ask you to pray for those who cannot pray and also for those who do not know how to pray. Pray too for all who have lost faith in God and in His mercy." Pope John Paul II

"Prayer opens the mind and heart to God. It deepens our longing for His Kingdom. Prayer consciously links us to the Communion of Saints, who support us by their continual intercession." Pope John Paul 11

"Pray also for your brothers and sisters and for all the children of the world, especially those who are poor and hungry. Pray for those who do not know Jesus, for those who are alone and sad." Pope John Paul 11

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Lenten Fasting: Lessons from Old Russia

Ash Wednesday, February 25, marks the first day of lent and the beginning of the Spring 2009, 40 Days for Life Campaign.

The following is an exerpt from Season of Mercy: Lent and Easter by Catherine Doherty

" Lent in Russia was really something deep and profound, and people cherished it as a simple and direct way to God. We recalled that the Fathers of the Church, who lived in the desert, fasted. All the monks in Russia fasted very much; everyone fasted, from the Czar to the housemaid. Fasting was very powerful in Russia. (For instance, when my father fasted, he would eat nothing but one potato.) People often lost twenty pounds or so, but it was not the loss of pounds that interested them; it was the spiritual meaning of the fast. " for more on lenten fasting by Catherine Doherty go to the link below

To know more about the life of Servant of God, Catherine Doherty, please go to the link below

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Lent 2009 40 Days for Life Campaign

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Largest-Ever Pro-Life Mobilization Hits Toronto and Other Canadian Cities this Lent - Prayer, Fasting and 24-Hour Vigils Outside Abortuaries
TORONTO, January 9, 2009 (LifeSiteNews.com) - This Lent, from Ash Wednesday, February 25 to April 5, 2009, a number of Canadian cities, including Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal, will participate with more than 170 cities across North America, joining together for the largest and longest coordinated pro-life mobilization in history - the 40 Days for Life campaign.40 Days for Life is a focused pro-life campaign that has generated measurable lifesaving results in the more than 200 cities where it has been implemented. It has lead to a significant drop in abortions in almost all locations, and, in some places, such as the State of North Dakota, to the temporary closing of all abortion clinics.Jim Hughes of Campaign Life Coalition, which is helping organize the 40 Days For Life in Canada, said that the Ottawa campaign held this past Fall was a resounding success, with hundreds attending the opening and midway point rallies and closing ceremonies, and a constant presence at the abortuary vigil site."There were three confirmed saves in Ottawa alone - babies whose mothers changed their minds about having an abortion. In the Fall campaign across North America there were 614 babies saved in total that we know of. God only knows what other blessings will come from the 40 Days for Life as we plan for 2009!" Hughes said.The 40 Days for Life campaign is made up of three key components: - Prayer and Fasting - Peaceful Vigil: standing for life through a 40-day peaceful public witness outside abortion mills 24 hours a day/seven days a week.- Community Outreach: communicating a positive, upbeat pro-life message through media efforts, church presentations, petition drives, and public visibility.While all aspects of 40 Days for Life are crucial in the effort to end abortion, the most visible component is the peaceful prayer vigil outside the Morgentaler abortion mill in Ottawa, the Scott abortion mill in Toronto, the Health Sciences Centre in Winnipeg, and the Clinique Morgentaler in Montreal.40 Days For Life Ottawa has confirmed a start up meeting in the Scavi (church basement) of St. Patrick's Basilica on Tuesday January 13 at 7 pm, a general meeting on Tuesday, February 3 at St. Pat's from 7 to 9 pm, and a Vesper service with Bishop Prendergast on Sunday February 22 at 7 pm at St. Patrick's.In Toronto, campaign organizer Nicole Campbell told LifeSiteNews that there will be a start up meeting on January 19 at 7 pm, and general meetings on February 2 and 17 at 7 pm, all at St. Michael's Choir School, 66 Bond St. A kick-off rally will be announced when particulars are confirmed.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Socialist Separatist Coalition

By now you all all aware of this abuse of democracy. What can we do? Please visit John's Blog at this link

Saturday, November 29, 2008

40 Days Continues

At least 750 attended the closing Rally, and joined in the candelight procession to Saint Patrick Basilica for mass at 7:00 with Archbishop Prendergast. Thank you, your Grace for your support and encouragement throughout the campaign.

Its not over though and perhaps never will be. In fact, until eyes are opened and ears begin to hear and hearts begin to soften, the vigil will continue.

Melanie and I prayed for an hour at the abortion site Friday from 11:00 Am til noon. I arrived at approximately 10:40 and saw Doris praying near the door of 65 Bank so I joined her for a while. Around 11:00 I crossed the street to wait for Melanie who arrived a few minutes later .

We prayed the rosary and while doing so a young couple left 65 Bank st. The woman was very sick and vomited a number of times in the snow bank. She looked so weak and fragile, but the young man with her seemed in a hurry to get going so they continued down the street and past MacDonalds Restaurant. The woman continued to vomit. As I prayed I thought " They kill the baby and send the woman away sick to recuperate alone. I told Jennifer about this occurrence and this is what she said " I feel so angry, more so as a nurse, when I learn that 'patients' are sent out onto the street to recover. There is NO care at these places. It's such a paradox that they respect women and their bodies."

Doris left around 11:45 and Melanie and I left around noon. I had an appointment in the west end of the city for 2:00 PM so I decided to have lunch at 240 Sparks Street. After lunch I returned to the site and saw Frances holding her sign and praying alone. I stayed and prayed with her for a short time but had to leave for my appointment. I regretted that I was unable to stay longer.

It fills my soul with such hope and joy to see the courage and dedication of these faithful witnesses who return to pray several times a week. For me it was my first time back to the site since 40 Days officially ended three weeks ago but I pledge to return every week from now on for at least one hour. That's the least I can do.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Mid Point Rally

Mid Point Rally Sunday October 19, 2008

It was just an amazing turnout and I thank the organizers and all the participants who have been so faithful and generous with their time. God is surely blessing us and will continue to. I would guess that there were at least two hundred participants at the rally.

The coffee and hot chocolate warmed us up and was certainly appreciated.

Many tears were shed among the crowd as we listened to the speeches and testimonies. Nicole told us at the beginning of the campaign that we wouldn't be the same afterwards and she was right. I know I am not the same as I was. To see hearts being changed, babies being saved, families saved from a life of grief and sorrow just fills one's soul with hope overflowing. As Nicole said to save one baby is to save generations.

Our hearts too are being changed, in ways that we we would never have imagined.. Knowing that the ripple effect of what we have witnessed will continue forever just absolutely confirms that God is calling us to do this; to be His witnesses to the truth: to proclaim the Gospel of Life in all its beauty and Glory! He calls each one of us to be His voice in the world, to bring Jesus to the people, and to share in the mission of the Church which is the salvation of souls.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

40 Days for Life

Jennifer and I decided on Monday that we needed to pray together at the abortion site on Tuesday. I arrived Tuesday morning at approximately 9:10 . Jennifer had arrived earlier.
I met Peter from Saint Elizabeth Parish who had been at the site for some time. Shortly afterwards a few others came by. Jennifer decided to join the two faithful men who were praying the rosary in front of the abortuary while I stayed near the cradle.
As I was praying silently, a man walked by and looked at me thanked me and continued on his way. When Jennifer came back we said our Legion of Mary prayers together and others joined us as we prayed the rosary. We began with this prayer that we always say before doing our Legion of Mary work, and how appropriate we thought are the words

" Mother of us all, Help me as I go to the front today as a solider in your army. Keep my attitude towards people as one of infinite sweetness and patience. Remind me always that I stand before people in your place, doing your work. Remind me how much you love each of your children. Let me disappear, and let my voice, my attitude and my thoughts be yours. In this way, the will of God, who is your Son and my Lord, will be done. I pray with all my heart for the conversion of the souls that I am about to meet. Dear Mother, Queen of Peace, Queen of all Graces, Our Lady of Guadalupe, I am in your service, and I thank you in advance for having listened to my prayer. AMEN

After saying our Legion prayers we decided to sit on a bench in front of the abortuary while holding our signs. A few passers by stopped to talk with us. Two elderly women were unaware that the abortuary was right there and expressed there sadness at the ugliness of it all and how women are so hurt by this and so often it is others who pressure them to end the life of their child. They expressed their gratitude for those who were praying at the site and told us they would pray for all of us.

Shortly after that, two young men in their teens stopped by and looked at our signs and asked us if we thought our prayers would work and we said "yes we do, that is our hope" They smiled and wished us good luck. Jennifer commented on how Jesus was using all of us who were at the site this day and every day as instruments in evangelization.

I thought of the beatitude "Blessed are the Peacemakers" Marcus Grodi from the Journey Home on EWTN explained this beatitude as "being Christ in the world"

Around that time it started to rain and believing the weatherman's prediction of a sunny day we were not prepared. No problem however, because in no time at all we were handed an umbrella from dear Noreen who was praying with about 8 others on the other side of the street. God bless her and the others. We left around noon in order to attend mass at Saint Patrick Basilica and we thank God for His Grace.

Christopher West, Theology of the Body, DVD 1