Thursday, January 15, 2009

Quotations from the Popes of the Church on Prayer

from"Promoting Catholic Apologetic support groups loyal to the Magisterium"Question and Answer Knowledge base:

" Pray, pray, pray; prayer is the key to the treasures of God. It is the weapon of combat and of victory in every battle for good over evil." Pope Pius XII

"Prayer is the breath of the Mystical Body, it is conversation with God, the expression of its love and it's striving toward the Father." Pope Paul VI

"Pray like Jesus. Pray intently. Pray today, always in the confident communion that prayer has established between us and the Father. Because it is to a father, it is to the Father that our humble voice is addressed." Pope Paul VI

"Prayer is able to transform the world. Everything is new with prayer, both for individuals and for communities. New goals and new ideals emerge. Christian dignity and action are reaffirmed." Pope John Paul 11

"Pray for the many spiritual and material needs of your families, your communities, the whole Church, and all of humanity. Indeed, prayer is the first and greatest work of charity that we must do for our brothers and sisters."Pope John Paul 11

" In prayer, we come to see the stark reality of our own poverty, the absolute need we have for a Savior. We discover, in a more profound degree, the many ways in which we ourselves are poor and needy, and thus we begin to feel an increasing solidarity with all the poor." Pope John Paul II

"In prayer we seek, find, and converse with God just as we would with an intimate friend. We can speak of our sorrows and joys, our weaknesses and problems, and our desires to be better and to help others to be better too." Pope John Paul 11

"May prayers give wings to work, purify intentions and be a defense against the longings of materialism. And may work in its turn lead to the refreshing encounter with God in which humanity rediscovers its primordial vocation and the true meaning of its existence...... " Pope John Paul II

"In prayer the Church concentrates on Christ; she possesses Him, savors His Friendship, and is therefore in a position to communicate Him. But by exercising faith, hope, and charity in prayer, she reinforces her power to communicate Christ." Pope John Paul II

"I ask you to pray for those who cannot pray and also for those who do not know how to pray. Pray too for all who have lost faith in God and in His mercy." Pope John Paul II

"Prayer opens the mind and heart to God. It deepens our longing for His Kingdom. Prayer consciously links us to the Communion of Saints, who support us by their continual intercession." Pope John Paul 11

"Pray also for your brothers and sisters and for all the children of the world, especially those who are poor and hungry. Pray for those who do not know Jesus, for those who are alone and sad." Pope John Paul 11

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