Friday, September 10, 2010

Monthly Pro Life Masses

Monthly Pro Life Masses to be held

to pray for the opening of a Pro-Life Centre in Ottawa,

In obedience to Pope John Paul ll’s writing in Evangelium Vitae, para 88, in which he stated that “Centres for Natural methods of regulating fertility should be promoted as a valuable help to responsible parenthood”, a series of Masses to pray for the opening of a Pro-Life Centre in Ottawa, and for an end to Abortion,will begin on Saturday, September 18th, 2010. for more information click here

Monday, August 30, 2010

Run With Life: A thought of God

Run With Life: A thought of God: "'Only when we meet the living God in Christ do we know what life is. We are not some casual and meaningless product of evolution. Each of us is the result of a thought of God. Each of us is willed, each of us is loved, each of us is necessary.'

- Pope Benedict XVI"

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Our Lady of the Cape / Notre Dame du Cap in Cap de la Madeleine Quebec

Photos I took at the beautiful and peaceful Shrine of Our Lady of the Cape in Cap de la Madeleine Quebec, during our August 2010 Legion of Mary Pilgrimage. This holy place is a source of God's Grace, His Mercy and His Love. Mother Mary is truly present to her children here, and she assures each one of us that she is always with us: in our sorrows and in our joys. I just regret that I didn't take more pictures of the beautiful grounds where heaven and earth meet. Thank you Jesus and Mary, and thank you Father Yoland Ouellet, o.m.i. for the beautiful background hymns to Jesus and Mary.

The hymns "Ave Maria a Notre-Dame du Cap / Ave Maria of our Lady of the Cape" and " Magnificat Traditionnel, Francais - English" were used with permission and were taken from the CD "PROCESSION AUX FLAMBEAUX / CANDELIGHT PROCESSION - Notre Dame Dame du Cap"

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Our Lady of the Cape Pilgrimage

I spent the past weekend at the beautiful Shrine of Our lady of the Cape in Trois Rivieres Quebec. I attended the yearly Legion of Mary Pilgrimage to the Shrines of Our lady of the Cape and Saint Anne de Beaupre. I took oodles of pictures and made a slide show above with some of the better ones. Included are some photos I took at two other Shrines we visited as well, Sacred Heart Shrine in Montreal and Our lady of Lourdes Shrine in Rigaud.  It was a beautiful peaceful weekend and the weather was perfect to boot.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Saint Joseph's Oratory

Above is a slide show I made of some of my sister's  photos that she took during our visit last weekend to Saint Joseph's Oratory in Montreal.  The oratory was founded by Brother Andre who will be canonized in Rome  later on this year. For more on Saint Brother Andre please visit my web page at this link

Monday, July 5, 2010

Don't take the O-Train in Ottawa on a hot day

Here is a copy of a letter I wrote to Oc Transpo regarding the very uncomfortable and I might add unhealthy conditions aboard the OTrain here in Ottawa during the summer heat. All aboard???? Not me any more!!!! I sent a copy to Mayor Larry Obrien and Councillor Alex Cullen. I'll let you know if I get a reply.

Good morning,

Yesterday afternoon I took my 12 year old grandson Matthew for a bus ride to introduce him to Ottawa’s bus system. He had never ridden the O Train and I thought he might like to take a ride on it and so we headed from Beacon Hill North to the Bayview stop. Unfortunately we must have just missed a train because we waited almost half an hour for another one. As you know It was very hot yesterday. Actually it registered 32 degrees celsius at Uplands. When we boarded the train we found it very warm and uncomfortable but we managed to open 1 small window in the front. There was no air conditioning and the one window didn’t help at all, so Matthew and I headed towards the back of the train and tried to open a few more windows but we were unable to do so. The hinges seemed broken but a young man told us they were all locked. All we could do was take a seat until we arrived at the Greenborough Station. This was without a doubt one of the most unpleasant rides I have ever taken with OC Transpo. One woman looked sick. I could see that she had perspiration dripping down her face. Could you please explain to me why on such a hot day the windows on the train are locked and there is no air conditioning? Thank you.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Daily Quote from Thomas Merton

Daily Quote from Thomas Merton
My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end. Nor do I really know myself, and the fact that I think that I am following Your Will does not mean that I am actually doing so. But I believe that the desire to please You does in fact please You. And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing... - Thomas Merton

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Photos I took at the Mass to celebrate the 72nd Year of Novena Devotions to Our Lady of Perpetual Help

These devotions hold a special place in my heart. As a child I remember so vividly attending the Novena Devotions every Tuesday evening with my parents and brothers and sisters at 7:00PM in our Parish of Our Lady of the Annunciation Church on Saint Joseph Boulevard in Hull. I remember Father Fogarty and Father Allen leading the devotions and there was always a large crowd. We didn't have a car so we walked the distance each week which was at least a mile one way.  My parents had such terrific faith and I remember my dad telling us that Tuesday was a special day for us and invariably God picked that day to shower us with many blessings. I miss you mom and dad and I thank you !

See the Archbishop's blog for information about the celebration which took place - Wednesday June 23, 2010 – 12th Wednesday in Ordinary Time - St. Patrick’s Basilica, Ottawa, Ontario

For more on the Anniversary Celebrations please see the Archbishop's Blog

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Celebrating 72 Years of Novena Devotions To Our Lady of Perpetual Help , OC Transpo bus passes and the Ottawa Earthquake Yesterday

I was on the bus heading downtown when the 5 magnitude earthquake hit Ottawa yesterday, so I didn't feel a thing. Actually, I was on my way to Saint Patrick;s Basilica to attend the Holy Hour at Three and the Anniversay Celebration afterwards.

On my way I decided to take the time to purchase a July bus pass at the Rideau Centre, but when I arrived at the OC Transpo counter I was told I needed some kind of photo ID in order for them to take my photograph for the pass. I didn't have any on me as I wasn't expecting I needed photo ID to buy a bus pass. That certainly wasn't the case when I had my last picture taken for them about ten years ago. You don't need photo ID when you get a bus transfer or when you purchase a day pass. What a bunch of jerks. The purpose of the photo attached to the pass you buy is just proof that the picture of the person on the pass is the same person who is using it. Total bureaucratic nonsense. We bought train and subway passes in Japan and never needed photo ID when we purchased them. What a stupid bureaucy OC Transpo has become.  Anyways, after wasting my time on this nonsense, I bought a coffee at Tim Horton's and did a sudoko puzzle in the food court to blow off steam. Fifteen minutes later I headed back to the bus stop on Mackenzie King Bridge heading west.

After I boarded the bus, the driver announced over the loudspeaker "For those riders who plan to take the O Train, it isn't running because of the earthquake" Duh? What earthquake? Anyways, I guess that explains why there were so many people on all the sidewalks dowtown.  Funny thing, I never felt or heard a thing.

I got off at Kent and  headed over to the Church and saw that there were dozens of people mulling around the church and sitting on the front steps. Oh great I thought  "Now the Church will be closed for the Anniversary Celebrations and I will be told not to go in." That wasn't the case. I was allowed in ( thank God because I really had to go to the bathroom by now.) All those people were from the Government Office buildings from across the street. Whew! I was on time for the Holy Hour but I thought I should phone Mike to see what was up and I phoned from the Church basement.  I wasn't able to get through so I went outside again and eventually after about 10 minutes I managed to reach him.  He said that the quake struck about 1:45 and yes, everything was ok. The walls shook and a few pictures on the wall are now crooked but that's about all.  Just the same, I was glad we have earthquake insurance ( just in case)

So by now I was a bit late for the Holy Hour which is at three every day at the Basilica. Afterwards, I stayed in the Church until mass and the Novena to our Lady of Perpetual Help at 4:30.  My sister Barbara arrived around 4:00 and joined me near the front of the Church.  The mass was celebrated by Archbishop Terrence Prendergast who, incidentally, didn't feel the eqrthquake either because he was on a plane returning from Ireland when it struck.  All in all, it was a very beautiful celebration although the Church was very hot.  I took a few pictures which I will add later. There was a reception afterwards in the Parish Hall which is situated in the nice cool basement, but Barb and I didn't stay because she had to go to work. We did however find a restaurant on the Spark Street Mall where we stopped to eat. 

After that I went home, and Barb went to work at her office in the West Block. I hope she was allowed in by then.  When I talked to Mike earlier, he thought that some of the government buildings were to remain closed until they had been checked out. Anyways, it was an interesting afternoon and I managed to get home before it started to rain very heavily. I still haven't straightened the pictures.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Trolling on Facebook: an ugly pastime

I joined Father Frank Pavone's  Pro Life Group on Facebook!/ProLifePage and I can't get over the very many ugly remarks made in this site which are directed at Christians in general and Catholics in particular. There are people who join groups for the sole reason of spewing hatred every chance they get.  I think they call  this pastime trolling but I am not sure. Correct me if I am wrong but Is it not a crime to promote hatred of individuals or a group of individuals based on religious beliefs? Why would individuals even make such publicly outrageous comments anyways? Employers now use facebook to see what their employees are up to. Oftentimes an employer will check facebook before hiring someone. It is common knowledge that the police also use facebook . So what gives? Are people stupid. It seems that some are very stupid.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Closing of Year for Priests: Annunciation Parish, Ottawa Ontario

 Yesterday evening, the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Janet Warren of the Catholic Women's League of the Annunciation of the Lord Parish organized a rosary for all priests but especially for the intentions of our two priests, pastor  Monsignor Robert Latour and Father Johathon Blake.  Most of the Parish's Groups participated by taking turns leading a decade. It was beautiful, the Church was full and it was a  beautiful ending to the year for Priests proclaimed by Pope Benedict XVI. Of course we will continue praying for the Pope and all our clergy.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Archbishop Terrence Prendergast CJOH Interview on Abortion

Ottawa's Archbishop, Terrence Prendergast was interviewed by CJOH's Graham Richardson earlier this week on the topic abortion". See my sister's blog at this link for the transcript of the interview

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Press Conference in Quebec

 I was so delighted that Archbishop Terrence Prendergast joined Cardinal Ouellet this week calling for our Government to reopen the Abortion Debate.  I encourage you to check out the Archbishop's Blog. I only hope that more of our Canadian Bishops will follow their lead.
The Journey of a Bishop: St. Augustine of Canterbury - Press Conference in Quebec

Also, check out Pat Maloney's article Bishop's Confirm Abortion Debate Is On

Friday, May 7, 2010

Get A Life In Christ

Fr. Benedict Groeschel
(A Catholic Capuchin priest and psychologist)
speaks about the current troubles in the Catholic Church. About media bias against Catholics. About Catholic Faith and Theology. There are four segments in this series. There are also numerous other audio files. As Fr. Groeschel says, the Church will survive. The Church has already experienced the worst that could happen, back on the first Holy Thursday when the men Jesus had chosen Himself, deserted Him and one betrayed Him.

I recommend these talks of Father Groeschel to everybody. They are excellent. I have just listened to the segment on courage and have to say it is probably one of the most uplifting talks I have ever listened to.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Lia's Pro-Life Speech on Parliament Hill in Ottawa

The Annual March for Life is two weeks away. Last year's event was a huge success with about 12,000 in attendance despite the rainy weather. One of the highlights of last years event was this terrific speech by Lia Mills, a 12 year old Toronto Student.