Showing posts with label Pat Maloney. Run with Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pat Maloney. Run with Life. Show all posts

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Canadian pro-life blogger reports the facts about abortion that mainstream journalists avoid - Jonathon Van Maren

(LifeSiteNews) — If you’re a Canadian pro-lifer, you likely know that every year in this country, babies are born alive after abortions and left to die. You may not know that this chilling fact was uncovered not by the mainstream media, or even by a more established independent conservative or pro-life site — but by an independent pro-life blogger named Pat Maloney, the proprietor of a little blog titled “Run with Life.” On October 19, 2012, she published a post titled simply “Late term abortions statistics – born alive,” which revealed that between 2000 and 2009, 491 babies were born alive after abortions and left to die.

That discovery prompted a firestorm. National media outlets were forced to cover the news after two pro-life MPs, Leon Benoit and Maurice Vellacott, sent a letter to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police commissioner on January 23, 2013, calling for an investigation into these “attempted abortions” as “potential homicides.” Maloney’s discovery was discussed in Parliament, and Prime Minister Stephen Harper was forced to respond to the issue. This national abortion discussion was triggered by a single independent blogger, filing Access to Information and Privacy Requests with the government for information on abortion.

Maloney is still at it. Although she has been published and quoted by mainstream newspapers, she publishes the bulk of her work at Run with Life, uncovering Canadian government numbers on late-term abortion, live birth abortions, euthanasia, and government spending on the LGBT agenda. In my own work on these issues, I have used her blog as a resource countless times. She is an invaluable resource for the pro-life and pro-family movement, and she agreed to an interview on her work.

When did you begin your independent journalism?

Around 2008. It began with letters to the editor on abortion matters, including MP Ken Epp’s unborn victims of crime bill. I then began my blog in 2010. I was noticing that whenever pro-choice people speak, they used slogans that were fabricated out of thin air: “my body my choice,” “I can do what I want with my body,” “right to abortion,” “abortion is healthcare,” yada yada, slogans that were all based on lies. I thought: Do they really believe this stuff they are saying? But I guess when you repeat a lie often enough, you do start believing them. And I was hooked.

You’ve broken a number of big stories. Why have those stories been uncovered by an independent blogger rather than any of Canada’s mainstream media outlets?

It seems that the mainstream media is pro-choice and has been for many years. I am not convinced at all that all media persons personally believe the pro-choice ideology in their heart. Of course, many do believe it. But I think some may feel obliged to follow the pro-choice party line. I remember when I used to believe that ridiculous line that “I would never have an abortion myself ,but who am I to tell a woman she can’t have one?” How silly is that? If you wouldn’t have an abortion because it is clearly wrong, then why wouldn’t you tell a woman she shouldn’t have one either? “I would never commit a murder myself, but who am I to tell a woman she can’t murder someone else?” So the topic of abortion is just untouchable. The radical pro-abortion lobby puts the fear of God (not that they believe in God) into the media and into politicians. Even when the story is newsworthy like the born-alive abortions, the media won’t run with it.

What is the most shocking thing you’ve uncovered about Canada’s abortion regime?

I have to say the born-alive abortions. To discover that these horrific abortions happen every year in Canada, and are still happening, which means they have probably been happening since abortion became legal in 1988, and maybe even before, who knows for sure? All abortions are horrific. But to know that late-term babies are being born breathing after a failed abortion and left to die just breaks my heart. Now, I noticed recently Pro-life Alberta actually got CTV news to cover this story in Alberta. I was very glad to see that the mainstream media did so. That in itself was a coup. Kudos to Pro-life Alberta for getting that to happen.

Which revelation are you most proud of?

I think our 2012 Charter Challenge case against the Ontario government for hiding abortion statistics. This was a huge win for freedom of speech and for the pro-life movement in general. We actually had a judge who dealt with the case in a fair and impartial way. I remember sitting in the courtroom that day and thinking to myself, maybe we have a chance to win this. My lawyers, Albertos Polizogopoulos and John Sikkema, did such a great job of presenting our case and the judge asked so many great questions. I also chuckled to myself when I knew there was an army of lawyers on the government’s side, all being paid exorbitant fees, in a case that was just so ridiculous, while our case did not have any big dollars behind it.

Pro-life groups do not have all the millions of dollars in government funding that the pro-choice groups do, either. I thought that maybe our rights would be protected. I felt very positive that day. Five years later, we learned that we won. It was amazing. But the frustrating thing was that we had to go to court in the first place to prove that we were right all along. I am convinced that this case was a purely political move by the government’s pro-abortion politics. But they lost and we won. Hurray for once.

Which stories do you plan to tackle going forward?

My mainstay work for a long time now has been doing access to information requests. Often, an ATIP (Access to Information and Privacy Online Request) will yield something that wasn’t even what I was originally looking for, but then I can expose it, and that is very satisfying. I’ve been doing ATIPs since 2010, mostly on abortion, but in the past few years I’ve started doing them on MAiD and the LGBTQ ideology, both of which have become pervasive in the culture.

It’s a tough slog doing and keeping track of ATIPs and I’m not great at doing administration. Plus, I have to be very persistent and very patient in getting results, because responses don’t come quickly. Often, I wait months and months for results. I currently have one ATIP outstanding since June 2023, and another outstanding since December 2023. I have to follow up with the departments regularly. Sometimes, you get very little worthwhile information, but I keep doing it anyway. I also never expected to get involved in euthanasia; I actually thought Canada would never make it legal. Boy was I naive.

So here we are coming to the end of 2024 and into 2025. I will just keep plugging away as time permits, and as long as I am healthy, doing my small bit to expose whatever I can in this crazy country where it is completely legal to kill defenseless fragile human beings.