Showing posts with label Freedom Convoy 2022. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freedom Convoy 2022. Show all posts

Sunday, May 29, 2022

I saw a mob; it wasn’t truckers, ANNA FARROW, CATHOLIC REGISTER SPECIAL

I am still angry at the way so many Canadians even Catholics ( I kid you not ) were so negative in regard to the Freedom Convoy. I will never understand the mob mentality of so many Ottawans. The hatred and lies from many of our political leaders and the so-called mainstream media still haunt me. Prime Minister Trudeau and NDP leader Jagmeet Singh and Mayor Watson were disgraceful. I hope someday they will be held accountable for their liesand scapegoating but I won't hold my breath

I saw a mob; it wasn’t truckers

  • January 31, 2022

A true mob is terrible to witness, much less get stuck in. Something happens when humans are pressed together in fear and anger: a feral scent is emitted, an emboldening and anxious spirit. Once unleashed, it crashes over and draws down all in its wake.

If I told you two things about my weekend — that I was on Parliament Hill, and that I experienced such a mob — what would you conclude? Well, I did witness a mob, but it wasn’t on Parliament Hill.

On Parliament Hill, I saw hundreds of Canadian flags and an incredibly diverse cross-section of Canadians. Imagine guys wearing hunting camo and an odd group of white Boomers trying to drum. Throw in some Sikhs, a lot of little kids all wrapped up in snowsuits and an enormous crowd of Quebecers. Imagine them standing around in delight and bemusement, looking at each other and saying, “Hello? Do I know you? Is that you, Canada?”

For the record, I did not see one Confederate flag or swastika. Middle-aged ladies were draped in Trump 2024 regalia, but they were one fewer than the three counter-protestors holding #FLUTRUCKKLAN signs. Both groups seemed to be looking for friends but hadn’t found them.

There were lots of trucks. And honking that went late into Saturday night, which, if you know Ottawa, you will understand meant it tapered off about 9:30 p.m.

We overheard conversations. One Quebecer, behind us in a vast stream waiting to join the Wellington Street crowds, said, “I never imagined I would ever feel so united to ‘les Anglos’; it is a symbiosis.”

We saw lots of signs. One teenage girl’s said: “I lost my graduation; I lost my prom; Trudeau, you lost nothing.”  The police, while we wandered around, did not seem concerned or on guard. I read this morning not one arrest was made.

When I returned to the house, and my fingers had thawed, I turned to Twitter on my phone. I learned that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his family were whisked away for safety; that the CBC was speculating the Freedom Convoy was directed by Russian operatives; that a former press officer for Stephen Harper deleted her account after being hounded for tweeting that the day’s events felt like a happy Canada Day; that NDP leader Jagmeet Singh tweeted, “today Conservative MPs have endorsed a convoy led by those that claim the superiority of the white bloodline and equate Islam to a disease.”

Say, what? I felt like a cartoon character giving its head a shake. The friend I went to Ottawa with is the daughter of a Trinidadian-Canadian. She stared as I read out Singh’s words. I felt a little sick. There, on my phone, was the mob.

Sunday morning, we joined a group reciting the Rosary on the Hill. The sky above Parliament was  brilliant blue. The air horn noise nearly deafening. When I closed my eyes for the first decade, just a few of us were gathered. When I opened my eyes, at least 25 stood in a circle. Some joined all the prayers, some only the Our Father. Others stood quietly with us, observing and serious.

I thought of, and prayed for, two Indigenous women interviewed for a video clip earlier in the week. They were beside the road awaiting the convoy. When a reporter asked why they were in the cold with their drums, cheering for the truckers, they spoke of the divisions in their community over vaccine mandates. They spoke of inability to access the health clinic because of vaccine status, of limits placed on travel to visit family and friends. One put her hand to her chest to steady herself and said, “We are unable to attend Round Dances in our community.” The pain in her face and voice is hard to witness.

Whatever you read about the Freedom Convoy, whatever your stance on vaccine mandates and passports, know this: the narrative being spun that the convoy is a fascist, white supremacist movement is a bald-faced political lie.

Seeing those crowds, hearing those voices equally frustrated and hopeful, the words from the Prophet Hosea came to mind, “For they sow the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind.” Our political leaders are currently “sowing the wind.” I worry about the whirlwind.

Catholics across the country, from Salmon Arm, B.C., to Montreal, have spent the last frigid weeks standing outside to attend Mass. Those sweet women, wrapped in blankets, waited beside the road to show support for the convoy. On Sunday morning, we stood beside the Centennial Flame, the fountain that does not freeze in winter, to ask for the intercession of Our Lady of Canada. We may be outside, in the cold, but we refuse to be divided.

Notre Dame Du Cap, pray for us!

(Farrow is a Montreal writer who helped organize the first outdoor prayer services following the closure of Quebec churches in December.)

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Vote in Parliament on the Emergencies Act - Well we know ho it played out - Lord have mercy!


The Canadian Parliament is closing up debate on this issue, and will vote tonight (Monday) at 8 p.m. on the Emergencies Act, for which there seems no need, and never was a need. Thousands of police officers to ‘break up’ and ‘illegal’ protest – perhaps the most peaceful in modern history, besides the March for Life. And one that was facilitated by police in the first place, as the truckers parked their rigs on Wellington and other streets for weeks. If all this was inherently illegal, why wasn’t it nipped in the bud? Did perhaps Trudeau need a ruse, as an excuse to impose martial law?

The Senate will still have to vote, if this does pass, but I can’t remember the last time they went against the will of the Liberals.

If there are any truly illegal actions by protestors in the near future, they can be dealt with by our civil laws, which are broad and robust enough – too much so, in this writer’s opinion – to deal with transgressions and threats, outside of open war, for which this measure was originally intended. Is Trudeau at war? And with whom? The people of Canada?

To put this all in perspective, look over the pond to Britain, which is set to end all Covid restrictions – yes, all of them, leaving it up to individual’s to exercise discretion and prudence, as we have done for endemic illnesses from time immemorial. Imagine that.

Trudeau, in poker terms, is on tilt, for reasons known only to him, and we need an end to what is becoming an unhinged situation, mocked and criticized across the world. The tide is turning, we may hope, back to normalcy and sanity.

So please do pray that that tide of basic common sense washes over and into the hearts and minds of our parliamentarians, including that intention in your prayers tonight, not least in all your family rosaries. The simple, humble and guileless petitions of children are powerful indeed in the sight of God!

Our Lady, Saint Joseph and all Canadian martyrs and saints, orate pro nobis! +

Dystopias and Warping Truth from Catholic Insight

Future dystopias – which now have to be written the present tense – almost invariably involve governmental control and manipulation of the people’s thoughts and consequent behaviour, with a false and deliberately manipulative view of reality foisted upon the citizenry, usually by technological means to which the people are addicted. (Ironically, and providentially, I’m publishing this as the police crack down on the Freedom Convoy, with a media blackout in the area)

The paradigmatic is Orwell’s 1984, (published in 1949 in the wake of the collapsed Nazi regime) with Big Brother both watching every move we make and every breath we take, as well as shaping and controlling our thoughts by declaring obvious falsehoods from which none dare demur. Two plus two is five, and the past is what we say it be.

Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 (1953) has the people of 1999 (which seemed far off in the fifties!) mesmerized by giant, wall-sized television screens, filled with inane entertainment – clowns and circuses – with interludes of ‘news’, shaped to form the opinions the government desires.

Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World (1932), the people of 2540 (at this point, I’m not sure we’ll reach mid-century) addicted to the soporific soma, accepting whatever Mustafa Ford tells them. Unlike the hapless citizens of 1984, they were more lulled into obeisance than forced.

Before all of these, there was E.M. Forester’s The Machine Stops (first published in 1909, no future date given for the story, but we’re all more or less in it) which eerily predicts a giant information/entertainment ‘machine’ to which everyone in the underground city is connected, and which gives them everything they need, from music, to food, to news. They have forgotten there is a world ‘up there’, for the machine does everything for them. But what happens when the machine no longer works?

These are all meditations on a theme of Plato’s original allegory of The Cave, from chapter VII of his Republic (written circa 400 B.C.). In a metaphorical underground cavern, people watch shadows of images, thinking they are real. When the philosopher tries to convince them that there is a beautiful, glorious world outside, the sun shining, the water sparkling, the rocks, grass and hills…Well, you may guess what they do to him, deemed a liar and dreamer, contradicting their ‘narrative’, as they return to their shadowy idols dancing on a stage.

Every one of these dystopias, from Plato to Bradbury, were written well before the internet, full-immersion media which has made mass psychosis a very distinct and all-too-real possibility. Peruse this interview with Robert Epstein on how we are all being manipulated by Google and friends, and how easy it is. Dr. Epstein is quirky and liberal, but dedicated and courageous. The first twenty minutes give you most of what you need to know, which is to get gone from Google, for they are indeed not only watching us, but manipulating us in very subtle ways.

An article in Wired commented that two of the recent SuperBowl ads advocated the new Meta virtual reality and their idiotic headsets as a way to escape the hell we’re building here. Yet,  a contrary one, with all-American Matthew McConaghey urged us to fix our problems right here on planet Earth.

It’s in reality that we must remain grounded if we’re to see our way through the deceit and mayhem that is on the horizon. Saint Thomas defines truth as the adequatio rei et intellectus, the ‘conformity of the mind to reality’, God’s good, holy cosmos and all the living and non-living beings therein.

Satan hates all of this. Christ quite aptly describes him as a liar and murderer, the two evils not unrelated. The unborn child is declared a non-person, a lie repeated enough, and, eventually, their lives can be snuffed out. The Jews in Germany were deemed by physicians and Goebell’s propaganda machine as disease-ridden and untermensch. In the Rwandan massacre, Hutus were urged on by the media to massacre and rape their ‘inhuman’ Tutsi neighbours by the tens of thousands; many claiming they did so because the ‘radio told them to’.

Whither now, dear reader, as the rhetoric ramps up? Will peace and good will prevail?

One way to ensure they do, to some extent, in some locales, refuges, remnants, or at least in some hearts, is to immerse yourself in the truth, not least those of our Faith, in Scripture, the Catechism, the Fathers, the Summa, in a myriad of great and good books. As well, spend far more time in reality than in the virtual version on screens. In nature, friendships, music, home-cooked food, laughter, love – hug someone, and let’s see some friends shaking hands.

Lies enslave, while the truth sets us free. By living in the really real, we can, by the grace of God, quite easily tell the difference.

Ad veritatem, in caritate! +

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Run With Life: Letter from a Canadian to her Prime Minister

Run With Life: Letter from a Canadian to her Prime Minister

Letter from a Canadian to her Prime Minister

Dear Justin Trudeau,

I know you will never read this email. Or respond to it. Because you ignore people like me who write to you. Maybe if we agreed with you, you might respond. I have no idea. You've ignored every single letter I have ever written to you.

I am really really tired of how you treat some Canadians. Those who you don't agree with.

I am a Canadian. I pay your salary. As do all the other Canadians you don't respect enough to respond to. Like the truckers. Like pro-life people. Maybe there are other Canadians you don't respect too. 

We are not second class citizens. We are real people. With families. With real problems. With rights. 

You say you support the rights of people. But from where I'm sitting, I don't see that. It looks like you do what you want. When you want. When it suits your purpose. 

You could have just talked to the truckers. They just wanted some face time with their prime minister. These are hard working Canadians. They are not violent. You are their prime minister too you know. You talked to the BLM people. You even "took a knee" with them. (I only kneel to God). Do you see the double standard here?

Mr. Trudeau, why don't you respect people you don't agree with? I really really do not understand this.

All that said, I do pray for you. I pray for you every day. I have hope that you can change. You can if you want to. It just takes a little effort. People change all the time.

Patricia Maloney
A Canadian

Friday, February 18, 2022

'The Five' advise Justin Trudeau on how to end trucker protests

Signs That Justin Trudeau's Tactics Are Backfiring | Maxime Bernier | IN...

Canadian gelato shop owner breaks down crying after threats for donation...

Jesse Watters 

So Our neighbors to the North are clearly loosing it. The Prime MInister who needs a history lesson and a haircut has declared war on Canadian citizens like they're an ISIS caliphate. Emergency powers, freezing bank accounts and threatening to take away protesters’ dogs and children. Dina Perino is very upset. It's getting so bad up there, government forces are even targeting innocent Gelato shops like this one here in Ottawa, Canada. Turns out the owner of Stella luna Cafe made a giant mistake. She privately supported the Freedom Truckers convoy with a $250 donation. Her donation then leaked and was made public. Her Gelato shop was then Doxed and began receiving threats. Lunatics threatening her with violence and vandalism. Treating her like a Salem Witch. All because she showed her support for freedom. The owner of Stella Luna Gelato Cafe, Tammy Giuliani, no relation to Rudy. Is here with us now. Right, Tammy, what exactly is going on up there with your shop?  


Well. I should preface by saying that I have a tendency to think with my heart and not with my head. And does that get me in trouble? A lot! And would I change that about myself? Not in a million years. And when I heard about a group of people that were willing to drive all the way across the country in below 30, whether to gather peacefully in front of Parliament and to stand up for their beliefs and to say, you know, maybe this whole mandating the existence out of everyone needs to be revisited. My heart said no, and I don't think anyone, and I certainly don't think anyone could have imagined that it would be transformed into something like we're witnessing today.  

Jesse Watters 

Yeah, we're witnessing complete chaos, and I don't know how to describe it. But you probably know better than I do, since you're up there. What has been the blowback for you and your shop, and what kind of threats and harassment have you faced after that donation was made public? Well, you need to understand it's still a Stella Luna is our livelihood and my husband and our children and son-in-law all work for the business. It's how we pay our rent. It's how we keep our lights on. It's how we eat. So we feel very passionately about eating. And um, we’ve pushed really hard over the past two years trying to keep this business alive. So we have this, this passion and it just keeps going on and on so I reached into my personal pocket and I pulled out 250 bucks with my personal money and I gave a donation to fill a gas tank of someone so they didn't have to sleep in minus 30 in the cold that night, and I think that decision speaks to my humanity and not to political beliefs, but attacking our children, attacking our team. That's unconscionable.

And I think never in my 56 years have I ever experienced a country so divided. So full of hatred towards friends and neighbors. Sorry, so full of hatred towards their friends and neighbors. You know, they may have opinions that differ from theirs, but they're so willing to publicly shame and humiliate and spew forth angry vitrol. Um you know, we have been called terrorists. For the first 36 hours we were inundated with hatred, with threats of violence, people threatened our team on the phone telling them we're coming to get you. We're going to throw bricks through your window, you'll pay for this you Nazi supporter. I personally have been called a disgusting pig of a woman and that I should rot in hell. Our rural shop out in Merrickville, Ontario, someone draped a large bed sheet over our sign. I'm sorry. It's been, It's been a tough few days. You know, and the sign read “Tammy supports terrorists” Now, Mama Bear is gonna dig out her claws on that one, and we're getting the video surveillance of the incident, and we will pursue that with the police.

But late yesterday afternoon, messages of support and encouragement started to arrive and people from coast to coast to coast throughout Canada and the US. And you know, even buying gift cards online and calling themselves guardian angels. So you know, we're going to use those funds to help pay the staff for their miss shifts and get some security guards in and make sure everybody is safe and that they feel safe coming to work. But the phone has been ringing off the hook all day today from calls all over Canada all over the U S sharing stories of losing their jobs because of bankruptcy or because they refused to get vaccinated, losing their homes. Now we've heard the tragic stories.  I didn't think it was gonna be this hard. You know, we've heard so many stories from people calling to support us because you know, we're pretty insignificant. We're just a little Gelato shop and all we wanna do is bake really good Gelato. And so, to have our you know to be targeted and have our staff targeted and our children targeted because I decided to reach in my pocket and, you know, fill the gas can of some guy, I didn't want to see sleep in the cold overnight. You know, but our kids arrived at the shop today and there were heart-shaped balloons hanging from the door handle, and the window was covered with little sticky notes. And there were all these inspirational messages of encouragement. I think our favorite, which sums it up in a nutshell so to speak was somebody said

"Pistachios before politics."  

Jesse Watters 

That's wonderful. Well, Tammy, you are such a perfect person. I love you. The audience loves you. You're a total sweetheart. I can see how hard this has been for you, but how inspiring you've been for us and for the community up there and we're at Jesse Watters Prime Time, we're gonna order a boatload of pistachio. I don't care how we get it here. We're gonna get it here. We're gonna order a hell of a lot of it. So, you know, keep up the good fight.


Can I tell you one thing

Yeah. One, one message I wanna leave people with ensure. Truly thank you so much for everyone. For all over. For, for contributing buying gift cards. We all need a healthy dose of positivity and love and respect, and we all need a whole lot less judgment and hate. And I think if people would just before they open their mouth or they start tapping away on their keyboards. If they could just listen to their hearts and find their humanity, the world would be better served.

Jesse Watters 

Well said Tammy for prime minister of Canada.



Jesse Watters 

Thank you so much, Tammy you're the best that was very very moving and we support you