Showing posts with label Bind us Together. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bind us Together. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Ontario Charismatic Conference, August 1980, Thunder Bay

Transcribed by me for easier reading 

Special to the Register

Thunder Bay Ontario

Bishop John O'Mara of Thunder Bay prayed for a new experience and understanding of the Spirit of God at the recent 5th annual Ontario Catholic Charismatic Conference.

The conference which was attended by more than 2,000 delegates; seven bishops and 51 priests was the largest gathering of its kind in the city's history.

"Bind us Together" the theme of the conference, was expressed in prayer cards and banners, printed in eight languages: English, Italian, French, Portuguese, Polish. Dutch, Ojibway, and Cree.

Charismatics from Canada and the U.S. listened to inspiring speakers and the gentle promptings of the Holy Spirit during the weekend event. While contemplating the need for reconciliation within families, they praised God with open hearts and uplifted arms. Most of all they drew their spiritual strengths from the joyous celebrations of the mass during which they renewed their Commitments

Bishop J.R. Windle from Pembroke spoke of the division within families, the difficulties, and the challenges that can be resolved through the work of the Holy Spirit. The greatest need families have is for unity in prayer. 

Barbara Shlemon, a nurse and mother of five-spoke of the healing power of the Spirit, which many participants said they experienced at a healing service during the conference. 

Bishop Roger Despatie addressed the same general theme to French language participants. 

Father Bob Bedard, a past president of the conference discussed Mary as the most powerful intercessor and said  "the saints are part of the living Body of Christ through their resurrection."

Father Carey Landry, noted musician and former pastor of Saine Genevieve Church in Lafayette L.A. let a workshop session on the place of Music in Chanismatic liturgies. 

An Ojibway workshop led by Joe and Grace Fox. ( Reverend Mr. Fox is an ordained deacon and social counsellor at Queen's University in KIngston ) dealt with the special needs of those on Indian reserves and their relatonship with white neighors.
C led a workshop on leadership. 

In a homily, Bishop O'Mara stated that forgiveness and reconcilation are central to receiving and sharing the gifts of the Holy Spirit. 

Participants said they were sent forth with the desire to accept the mandate, the power and the responsibility to bring the love and forgiveness in Jesus. To bring His love to others. To spread it and to give it willingly. 

Charismatic Renewal is the fastest growing movement in the Church today