Saturday, September 28, 2024

Spiritual Motherhood of Priests Conference, September 28, 2024


Spiritual Motherhood of Priests 13th Annual Conference
Holy Redeemer Parish, 44 Rothesay Drive (at Eagleson Road) 
Guest Speaker: Mary Jane Zuzolo, 
Great, Great, Great, niece of Sister Marie de St, Pierre
Saturday, September 28, 2024, 8AM - 4 PM
Restore us, O God; Let Thy Face shine that we may be saved!
Psalm 80:


8:AM - Registration 
9:00 AM - Opening Prayer - Maria Pironne 
9:30 AM - Introduction of Saint Joseph's Missionaries of the Holy Face: John Pacheco
9:45 - Introduction of Mary Jane ZuZolo

9:50 - Talk One - Mary Jane ZuZolo - 
The Holy Face Devotion and the Complementary Spirituality of Ste Therese of Lisieux of the Holy Face
( please excuse the poor quality )

10:50 BREAK

11:10 - Talk Two - Mary Jane ZuZolo - Veiled treasures of the Holy Face Devotion 
( as also recognized by Ste. Therese )

12:15 PM LUNCH


1:30 PM - Talk 3 - Mary Jane ZuZolo - The Mystical Insights of Sister Marie de Sainte Pierre as affirming Saint Louis Marie De Montfort's (True Devotion to Mary ) and why this matters today 

2:30 PM - Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows Rosary 

3:00 BREAK
3:10 PM EXPOSITION OF THE Blessed Sacrament with Procession and Benediction
3:30 Veneration of the Holy Face and Our Lady of Sorrows

4:00PM Confessions
5:00 PM Holy Mass Celebrated by Bishop Scott McCaig

The Holy Face Devotion was revealed by Christ as a Specific way to Combat Communism

Father Shroff leading Grace before we left for lunch

Maureen and Deborah 

Mary Jane

Maureen and Bernadette
Bishop Sheen Pray for us

Jackie and Mary Jane


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