Thursday, June 13, 2024

Finally! An Ontario School Board with Some Common Sense

VICTORY: Ontario Catholic school board upholds ban on flying LGBT ‘Pride’ flag
On Tuesday evening, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board voted 6-3 to shut down a motion allowing non-governmental flags such as the LGBT 'Pride' flag to be flown on school property.
MISSISSAUGA, Ontario (LifeSiteNews) — In a victory for the pro-family movement and Church teaching, an Ontario Catholic school board voted down a motion last night to fly non-governmental flags for various secular initiatives such as the LGBT “Pride” flag.

During a June 11 board meeting, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board (DPCDSB) voted 6-3 against the motion which effectively prohibits the flying of the LGBT “Pride” flag during June amid cheers from parents who had attended the meeting to defend Catholic teaching. 

“This is a huge victory for parental rights and we give all thanks and praise to God for bringing it,” Campaign Life Coalition’s (CLC) Jack Fonseca told LifeSiteNews.  

“Satan’s claim on the education arm of the Catholic Church has been pushed back!” he celebrated. “His conquered territory has been diminished, and the cross of Christ, once eclipsed at the DPCDSB by the flag of the deadly sin of pride, has been brought back more fully into view.”   

The board meeting came after DPCDSB trustee Brea Corbet attempted to overturn a May 15 decision to ban flying any non-governmental or non-church flags outside the school’s buildings.  

According to Parents As First Educations (PAFE), during a June 4 policy meeting, Corbet illegally introduced a motion to fly flags such as the LGBT “Pride” flag despite the motion not being listed anywhere on the meeting agenda.  

In response, PAFE had called on local voters and parents to call their trustees and attend Tuesday evening’s meeting.

“We require massive numbers to be there to show the board the public has eyes on what they’re doing and does not approve,” PAFE urged.   

At the June 11 meeting, three delegations spoke against flying the “Pride” flag, one from CLC, one from PAFE, and one from Citizen Go, according to the meeting agenda. 

After hearing from the delegations, the trustees discussed flying the flag amongst themselves before finally voting on the motion. Trustees voted was 6-3 against the motion, with 2 trustees absent. 

Following the decision, Ontario parents and grandparents can be seen outside the meeting celebrating the pro-family vote.  

“Motion to fly ‘pride’ flags outside @DPCDSBSchools has been… DENIED!” CLC celebrated on X after the board meeting. 

here here  to continue

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