Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Conservative protests get shut down while Pride parades are apparently o...

 I sense a shift is happening ( I think our country and much of the world has sunk just about as low as possible) When you see parents exposing their children to this rubbish. What the heck???

Around 2 minutes into the video you will see how perverted this all is. Just read the part I transcribed This lewd behaviour is not just accepted in front of our young children it is celebrated even. 
Have we lost our collective mind? 

A dad comes up to a police officer saying a man just exposed himself to their child and then the police are like well it's not okay and I agree that it's not okay but during Pride it's fine like they can break the law during Pride that the Family Guy was not off base at all and this is absolutely shocking

But why is there this free pass standard at the same time that we have a ban on having a peaceful protest outside of a drag Library you can't have a sign opposing that there are distances there's limitations you can't pray too close to an abortion clinic or have a sign uh but you can because it's Pride week because that is some sort of sacred expression as opposed to prayer and protest within Society you can expose yourself to children and that's completely fine because it is pride week

I'd love to see the internal Communications from police on basically to look the other way when grown men are exposing themselves to children it's wild it's interesting to see people outraged by some random horn honking they're perfectly fine with people exposing their genitals to small children on the streets um as is the case

They'll go to court get injunctions and then sue you if you caused them traffic inconvenience for a couple of weeks in your nation's capital while engaging in peaceful non vulgar protest yeah but you could just helicopter your wiener around town but as long as it happens during Pride week it's okay or pride month Pride season whatever they want

Three months 90 days of our lives have been co-opted by this nonsense yeah in what world is this okay?

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