Saturday, July 29, 2023

Planned Parenthood is Wicked

 Please sign the petition

From Campaign Life Coalition

When did schools move from becoming places of education to places of indoctrination of our children in perverted and dangerous sex practices?   

Schools were originally created to educate children in the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic. They were created to teach children about history and about the world we live in, to teach them to be virtuous and to strive for higher things. 

Schools have now become hijacked by sex activists.   

Sign our new petition: Ban Planned Parenthood from Canadian schools

Earlier this month, the anti-life and anti-family organization Planned Parenthood gave a presentation to children at Lumsden High School north of Regina.

During the presentation, students accessed and brought home “Sex: from A-Z" flashcards that gave tips specifically to “young people” on how to perform harmful and perverted acts of a sexual nature. The flashcards ended up on social media where concerned parents expressed shock and outrage at what their children were being exposed to.  

The flashcards appear to have been created using the veneer of ‘health and safety’ to groom youths who identify as LGBT into the dark and truly disgusting practices and fetishes of homosexuality.

Screengrab from introduction to "Sex: From A-Z" flashcards

I can’t even quote from the content on these flashcards – it’s that vile. But, to give you an idea without going into the details, the cards promote the most extreme, most deviant sexual fetishes found in the darkest corners of the homosexual subculture. The cards introduce youths to urinating and defecating on partners, eating excrement, engaging in genital stimulation through a hole in the wall with strangers, and being forcibly restrained during sexual encounters. 

These practices can result in bodily harm along with a host of diseases and viruses that attack the body, potentially leading to death. 

Sign our new petition: Ban Planned Parenthood from Canadian schools

When news of this came to Saskatchewan’s Minister of Education, Dustin Duncan, he rightly decided to suspend Planned Parenthood from all Saskatchewan schools. Bravo!

Duncan told reporters that he was so shocked by the material that he was uncomfortable describing to them the content of the flashcards. 

“I think it gives you a sense that if I feel uncomfortable, saying that to the media, and it’s likely some of that won’t be broadcast because of the nature of it… is an indication that it doesn’t need to be in the classroom if those phrases won’t likely be broadcast tonight on the six o’clock news,” he told reporters. Duncan said that the material was “completely inappropriate to be in a classroom, has no part of being in the classroom.” 

Did Planned Parenthood apologize to parents? Nope. It not only defended the flashcards, stating that they're meant for "LGBTQ2 youth," but it said that it was "surprised" by the suspension.

Planned Parenthood's defence of the perverted material is simply appalling. No young person, no matter how they might identify, should be able to access such disgusting filth from any organization that works with schools. The response shows the real and even deadly risk this organization poses to young people.

Planned Parenthood exists to promote abortion, contraception, and harmful sexual lifestyles. It states that traditional understandings of masculine and feminine “are harmful.” Planned Parenthood Regina’s social media posts promote prostitution as valid “work” and promote sex shows, along with other explicit content.

Planned Parenthood is a threat to children’s well-being and safety. It should have no place when it comes to children’s formation. It needs to be permanently banned from schools across Canada.  

It’s time for parents everywhere to band together and demand that Education Ministers from all provinces and territories permanently ban Planned Parenthood from all schools.

Parents must rally together and stand united in protecting the well-being and innocence of children. 

Children's education is a responsibility that should never be taken lightly. Together, we can make a difference and create a safe and nurturing learning environment for generations to come.

Please sign our new petition to Provincial/Territorial Ministers of Education asking them to permanently ban Planned Parenthood from all schools across the country. 

Be bold and daring for life and the family!

Pete Baklinski
Director of Communications
Campaign Life Coalition

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