Friday, February 3, 2023

Letter from 36 Organizations to Cancel Dr. Jordan Peterson's Show at the Canadian Tire Centre

Dr. Jordan Peterson is a brilliant, compassionate Canadian clinical psychologist, who, like countless other Canadians is concerned about the state of our country.....however 

No Free Speech for You Dr. Peterson!

Is the letter hate speech?  I think so.

Have any of the 36, even bothered to take the time to listen to Dr. Peterson

(I only counted 33 groups I'm hoping it's because the other three realized how silly it was )

from the letter

(not true) " the toxic and often violent rhetoric touted by Peterson whose quasi-academic ideas are misogynistic homophobic, transphobic, and racist has led to an increased environment of hate, especially towards the trans community that has been very evident in Ottawa"

( not true ) "Peterson has also advocated in favor of ideas like enforced monogamy that encourages that they should be treated like sexual objects instead of equals"  

( not true ) the ideas espoused by Peterson directly jeopardize the safety and the well-being of marginalized communities, especially women and transgender people.

the 36 hated the Freedom Convoy as well and supporters of course. We bad! Do they even know why the truckers did what they did? Probably not. Why don't they consider reading the back story of the Freedom Convoy? Sadly we have lost our freedom in Canada, and a group of ordinary Canadians does something about it. Yippee! Yes, it was noisy but absolutely peaceful. Don't be fooled by our local media. A big family of Canadians from every walk of life.......... LGBTQ, Pro Life, Pro Choice, Christians, Muslims, Atheists,  Indigenous etc............. came together in unity strength, and mutual respect.

Trudeau wouldn't meet with them because they had "unacceptable views." Sound familiar?

 And the 36 Called on the Creative Arts Agency to cancel their show and drop Peterson as a client. Are you kidding me?

 In this letter, the 36 vilify Chris Elson who came to Ottawa a year and a half ago to peacefully protest the harmful puberty blockers being given to our children and to speak with the teachers. Not surprisingly, Elson was met by a hate mob yelling and screaming at him (including a school board trustee) Never mind trying to hear what he had to say. Show some respect! Come on eh? Even the OCDSB called it " an act of hatred "

Incidentally, puberty blockers have been prohibited in many countries. Here in Canada, we can't even talk about the harm being caused without being labeled as promoting hatred,

Do the 36 even know what's going on in our schools? From the National Post, last August

The NP called for Canada to ban gender surgeries for minors and “take inspiration” from the recent reforms in Finland, Sweden, and the UK to ensure Canadian gender-questioning children receive appropriate and multi-disciplinary care. This statement from the NP came just weeks after the UK announced the closure of the Tavistock gender clinic for children and youth after an independent commission determined the current model was “not a safe or viable long-term option”.

the 36 seem to think that if you have a different belief or opinion than they have, then it is automatically hate speech.

No room for discussion

Oh, incidentally our woke friends in the Ottawa Media got a lot of mileage out of the letter. I saw a rather long tedious story in the Citizen and heard about it over and over on CFRA

Hardly a word about Dr. Peterson's event though. No surprise there.

He is the author of the famous book, 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos,

The 12 rules according to Peterson are: ( scary stuff eh )

  1. Stand up with your shoulders straight
  2. Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping
  3. Befriend people who want the best for you
  4. Compare Yourself To Who You Were Yesterday, Not To Who Someone Else Is Today.
  5. Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them
  6. Set your house in order before you criticize the world
  7. Pursue what is meaningful, not what is expedient
  8. Tell the truth. Or at least don’t lie
  9. Assume the person you are listening to knows something you don’t
  10. Be precise in your speech
  11. Do not bother children while they are skateboarding
  12. Pet a cat when you encounter one on the street

Doctor Peterson like countless other Canadians is concerned about the state of our country However, it seems that many educators, doctors, and politicians are not, especially when it comes to our youth and our children born and unborn,

It's absolutely diabolical that we accept the murder of pre-born babies. and now young children are on the hit list. Who's next?

Oh and while I'm at it If the story below doesn't shame our Political Leaders then nothing will. 

MONTREAL – A 38-week, late term abortion took placeFeb 2, 2023 at the Montreal Sacred Heart Hospital.

Naturally, there was not a word about this from the Ottawa Media 

an excerpt from the article

The case was qualified as a “special case”. They were informed that the child would have to be injected with a substance to be euthanized so that it doesn’t cry before being ejected from the mother. Some of the staff have refused to take part in the “procedure”.

While Montreal Against Abortion spoke behind the scenes with the anonymous source, QLC decided to ask its supporters to pray for this baby to not be euthanized and for the conscience of the mother to be changed.

We received over 70 emails in this regard and some of our supporters have offered to adopt this child, others even took action by calling the hospital and speaking to the hospital staff. One of our supporters wrote:

"This email touched my heart and made me more aware of the atrocity of her abortion laws! Oh how sick our society is, it's so sad! What kind of leaders can allow this kind of laws?

Believe it or not though, if you peacefully protest these atrocities in Canada, 
as an example the March for Life,  ..... the haters are out yelling and screaming obscenities at you) Take a look at the sign they are holding. 
Lord have mercy on us

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