Monday, February 21, 2022

Canadians – regardless of vaccination status – need to stand up for their rights in the face of regimes forcing the disclosure of private medical data - Privacy is a prerequisite to Freedom

On Sunday morning after my sister Barbara and I attended mass at Saint Augustine in Ottawa, we drove to meet Paula for breakfast at a restaurant on Merivale Road. When we arrived at the restaurant, Paula was already settled in with a coffee waiting for us.  I was refused entry even though I had proof of three doses of the Pfizer Vaccine. I felt very uncomfortable as I realized I couldn't go in.  In fact,  I started to panic which is not unusual because I have been doing a lot of that lately. 

Anyways when we went back to Paula's apartment, I told our sister Pat who is spending time in Victoria with her husband Fred and almost immediately Pat wrote this letter to Doug Ford and cc'd the information to the commissioner of Ontario, Minister of health and her chief of staff, Doug's chief of staff, the Attorney General and his chief of staff. 

Thanks, Pat for doing this

Here is the text of Pat's letter

Sunday February 20 2022

Dear Doug Ford,

Today someone close to me was refused entry into a restaurant because she didn't have the QR code for the vaccine. She has been triple vaccinated and had proof of that. But this was not enough for the restaurant. The restaurant told her she could not come in without this QR code.

I understand why the restaurant insisted, because to my horror, I just discovered that restaurants are now required to ask for a QR code. 

This is a gross abuse of power. A QR code means that the government now has personal information about anyone who goes into a restaurant, or any other facility where this is required. I was absolutely stunned at this invasion of privacy for Ontario residents. Especially since proof of vaccines without a QR code worked well before this draconian change was implemented. 

I really need to have an explanation that makes sense to me about this, but I can think of none.

Can you please provide me with an explanation about this gross invasion of privacy to Ontario residents? I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.

Thank you.


Patricia Maloney


Former privacy commissioner Ann Cavoukian on vaccine passports and erosion of privacy

Rumble — As provinces continue to double down on vaccine passports, former Ontario Privacy Commissioner Ann Cavoukian says it's clear that governments post the greatest threat to privacy, which she says is a prerequisite to freedom.

In this episode of The Andrew Lawton Show, Dr. Ann Cavoukian says Canadians – regardless of vaccination status – need to stand up for their rights in the face of regimes forcing the disclosure of private medical data to engage in civil society.

Watch the full episode of The Andrew Lawton Show:

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