Saturday, January 22, 2022

To our Government leaders and members of the mainstream media; please let up on the unvaccinated: Give it a rest already!

Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. The idea of taking a vaccination derived from cells from aborted babies is troubling to me and to countless others and a very difficult decision to make.  Many of the unvaccinated are opposed to a vaccine connected in any way to a child killed by abortion, and rightly so. There are other reasons why someone might be hesitant to take the vaccine and I totally respect that person's decision not to take the vaccine as well.  Can we please start to respect the unvaccinated? We all have to listen to the voice ( conscience)  that speaks to us in our hearts: This can be a real struggle. Each person comes to his or her decision to take the vaccine or to not take it, and in most cases, with much thought, and it's not an easy decision: it wasn't for me anyway, and yet our political leaders, the mainstream media, talk show hosts, you name it, are constantly vilifying the unvaccinated and inciting hatred towards them. Can you just stop already! 

So often you hear about people being upset because of animals being used in the testing of various products. Well is it too much to ask that the same respect be shown to babies as well?  Father Mark Goring makes a good point in the video below, that it is time for all of us to become more insistent with the pharmaceutical companies that they produce products ethically: that they are done without using cells from aborted babies. 

Animal testing and tainted pharmaceuticals

In this, US Bishops urge the FDA to use ethical means to develop a coronavirus vaccine—Archbishop Joseph Naumann is of the Diocese of Kansas City, Kansas. As vaccines for COVID19 develop, the USCCB has urged the FDA to use ethical means. Archbishop Joseph Naumann discusses the historical use of aborted fetal tissues in the development of vaccines and why it's not necessary. 

Archbishop Naumann on protecting the vulnerable: 

"I think it's admirable that we as a culture are taking these steps to try to protect those that are most vulnerable to the virus. Hopefully, that can translate into a similar concern for the lives of the unborn."


Information my sister Pat sent me:

Here is a couple of cut and pastes from Children of God for Life that has extensive information on the vaccines. These points are in the comment section of the article and are good short informative quotes on the vaccines currently available in Canada: Pfizer and Moderna.

  • "Pfizer/BioNTech was morally produced and contains no aborted fetal material. They did testing of the product on the HEK-293 cells but they are not part of the product, unlike the others listed in the red column on our website."
  • "There are no aborted fetal cells used in the production of the Pfizer vaccine; they tested the completed product. This is completely unlike Moderna’s vaccine that used aborted fetal cells IN the spike protein production which is part of their vaccine and they have done extensive research, development and testing using aborted fetal cells as well."
  • "The information on both Pfizer and Moderna is on our website here: The proof is linked to the science documents showing the data. The two vaccines do use the same technology – but one chose to do it morally (Pfizer) using adult donor cells and the other (Moderna) chose aborted fetal in the construct of their vaccine. However, they both tested their vaccines on aborted fetal cells."
  • "In the case of Pfizer, the HEK-293 cells were used only in the final testing, whereas Moderna used them in the research, development, testing and production of their spike protein. Pfizer on the other hand, created their protein using K562 cells from an adult female donor. The cells in both vaccines are NOT IN the final product. Both of the vaccines use mRNA technology which has never been used in any vaccines before."
  • "Both Pfizer and Moderna are using the mRNA technology. Pfizer did it morally (other than final testing) and Moderna did it immorally in their research, development, production and testing."



Bishops Strickland

Bishop Schneider

Children of God for Life

The information below regarding the use of fetal cells in the vaccines
Charlotte Lozier Institute

Here is another viewpoint on the current vaccines available (Pfizer and Moderna).  How to Vaccinate like a Catholic A guide Through the Prickly Covid 19 IssuesThe article is long but worth the read. How to Vaccinate Like a Catholic: A Guide Through the Prickly COVID-19 Issues | Church Life Journal | University of Notre Dame (


"The use of human embryos or fetuses as an object of experimentation constitutes a crime against their dignity as human beings who have a right to the same respect owed to a child once born, just as to every person. (#63)"

Pope John Paul 11 - From Evangelium Vitae

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