Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Matt Fradd's Night Prayer

This video is beautiful. 
Near the end of it Matt sings an amazing song of praise and thanksgiving and repentance to God. I made a separate video below with just the prayers but you should really watch Matt's video. You can just feels God's presence when he speaks. 

Evening  prayer which Matt  prays with his family 

Matt's night prayer (transcribed)

+ In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

O God, be merciful to me a sinner.
O God, be merciful to me a sinner.
O God, be merciful to me a sinner.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever, Amen.

Glory to you our God, glory to you.

O Heavenly King, console us. O Spirit of Truth, present in all places and filling all things, the treasury of blessing and the giver of life, come and dwell within us; cleanse us of all stain and save our souls O Gracious One.

Holy God,
Holy and mighty,
Holy and immortal have mercy on us.

Holy God,
Holy and mighty,
Holy and immortal, have mercy on us.

Holy God,
Holy and mighty,
Holy and immortal, have mercy on us.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever, Amen.

O Holy Trinity, have mercy on us. Lord forgive us our sins. Master pardon our transgressions. Holy One, look upon us and heal our infirmities for Your Name's sake.

Lord have mercy,
Lord have mercy,
Lord have mercy.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever, Amen.

Our Father who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name,
Thy Kingdon come, thy will be done,
On Earth, as it is in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, and
Forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil,
For thine is the kingdom and the power,
and the glory of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
now and always and forever and ever, Amen.

Lord have mercy,
Lord have mercy,
Lord have mercy.

Lord have mercy,
Lord have mercy,
Lord have mercy.

Lord have mercy,
Lord have mercy,
Lord have mercy.

Lord have mercy,
Lord have mercy,
Lord have mercy.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, now and always and forever and ever, Amen.

Come let us worship God our King and bow down before him. Come let us worship Christ God our King and bow down before him.
Come let us worship Christ our King and our God and bow down before him.

O Lord, Heavenly King, Consoler, Spirit of Truth,
have compassion and mercy on your sinful servant,
and pardon my unworthiness,
and forgive me all the sins I humanly committed today,
and not only humanly, but even worse than a beast,
my voluntary sins known and unknown from my youth,
and from evil suggestions and from my brazenness, and from boredom.

If I've sworn by your name or blasphemed it in thought,
blamed or reproached anyone, or in my anger have detracted anyone,
or slandered anyone, or grieved anyone,
or if I've gotten angry about anything,
or have told a lie, if I have slept unnecessarily,
or if a beggar has come to me and I have despised or neglected him,
or if I have troubled my brother or quarreled with him,
or if I have condemned anyone, or if I have boasted,
or have been proud or have lost my temper with anyone,
or if when standing in prayer, my mind has been distracted by the glamour of this world,
or if I have had depraved thoughts, or have over-eaten, or have drunk excessively,
or have laughed frivolously, or have thought evil,
or have seen the attraction of someone and have been wounded in my heart,
or said indecent things, or made fun of my brother's sin when my own faults are countless,
or have been neglectful of prayer,
or have done some other wrong that I cannot remember for I have done all this and much more,
have mercy, my Lord and Creator, on me, your wretched and unworthy servant,
and absolve and forgive and deliver me in your goodness and love for men so that lustful and sinful and wretched as I am, I might lie down and sleep and rest in peace, and I shall worship, praise and glorify your most honourable name with the Father and His only begotten Son, now and always and forever and ever, Amen.

It is truly proper to glorify you, O Theotokos, the ever-blessed and immaculate and the mother of our God. More honourable than the cherubim, and beyond compare, more glorious than the seraphim, although being a virgin, gave birth to God the Word, you, truly the Theotokos, we magnify.

All my hope I place in you, O Theotokos, keep me under the wings of your protection. Into your hands O Lord Jesus Christ my God, I surrender my spirit, soul, and body.
+ Bless me, save me, and grant me eternal life, Amen.

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