Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Praying today at Bank and Queen

Lois and I met at the 40 Days for Life vigil site again this afternoon shortly after 1:00pm  to pray for an end to abortion. When I arrived, Paul Lauzon and two ladies from  Our Lady of Fatima Parish were there. The ladies were quietly praying the rosary. I signed in and took a sign . Shortly after I arrived  a young man nicely dressed ( he probably worked in an office close by)  came by just as Lois arrived and  told us to move because " we were within the bubble zone" which needless to say we were not. We explained that we were outside the bubble zine and pointed to the sign. He ignored what we were saying and a few times rather loudly told us to move. He left but came back and told us he was going to call the police.  He was belligerent and very authoritative.  I don't know if he called the police but about 10 minutes later the sound of sirens brought 4 or 5 police cars and an ambulance to our corner right across the street where a man was sitting with his dog on the sidewalk looking for handouts. He was peaceful and wasn't bothering anyone so why 4 police cars and an ambulance? It was very bizarre. The cops spent at least 20 minutes talking to the man then left. Very strange indeed.

There was a similar occurrence last Wednesday when Lois and I were there. A young  lady passed by and told us to move because " we were within the bubble zone" She wasn't as nasty as the man today but still.

Oh incidentally, Lois walked from where we were praying to the bubble zone sign and it was 25 feet so we were about 25 feet outside of the bubble zone

No more negative incidents after that. The weather was beautiful so we stayed and prayed for about an hour and a half and then walked to a quaint little bakery, Bread and Son near Gloucester and Bank and bought bread: freshly baked at $5 a loaf, yummy

God willing Lois and I will meet again next Wednesday: pray and buy bread 

Bubble zone sign 

 This is where we pray 
which is 25 feet outside the bubble zone

New bag with a few 40 Days for Life signs 
The bin holding signs, sign up book, 
information with help for women in distress etc was stolen over a week ago

40 Days for Life update October 10, 2018

Approximately a week ago the storage bin containing the signs, sign up sheets, information on help for pregnant women etc went missing. Today I received this update from Wanda 

Since the theft of our 40 Days for Life storage bin we’ve managed to bounce back. Some extra signs were located and, for the time being, we’re using a large plastic blue bag with a minimal number of supplies: signs, sign-in book, Statement of Peace forms, and information about the 40 Days for Life and places where help is available for those dealing with abortions.

The supplies should be at the vigil site (Queen and Bank streets) and we’ll continue on, as usual. Police responded to my report, unfortunately there are no cameras on the Queen street side of the CIBC bank, so we don’t know who took our bin.

On the weekend, at the site, we were joined by a young man in town, from Texas, to attend his sister’s wedding. He looked up our location on line and came to pray with us for an hour. He was telling us that in his home town in Texas, he had also prayed at the Planned Parenthood facility with the 40 Days for Life vigilers and the abortuary did eventually close. The prayers of the 40 Days for Life participants worked. Take heart, it will work for us too.

What a wonderful Thanksgiving gift! Leif, from Texas, came to tell us that God hears and answers our prayers.

Please continue to come out and pray. We are resilient and we will bounce back from this small setback.

Yours for Life,

Wanda Hartlin
40 Days for Life, Ottawa

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Father Mark Goring on the Corruption in the Church

Response to Ouellet Letter 

Deal with the Stink in the Church

Eucharistic Adoration at the Annunciation of the Lord Parish

When I arrived for mass this morning, Deacon Marc Gauthier mentioned to me that today is the first anniversary of Tuesday Adoration in our Parish of the Annunciation of the Lord in Ottawa. Every Tuesday we have the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament which begins after the 9:00am Mass and concludes with Benediction and the Divine Praises around 4:00pm. What a Grace this has been for our parish.

A few weeks ago Father Rob said it doesn't have to be complicated when praying before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. "Look at Jesus as he looks to you and talk to Him"

And today in his homily Deacon Marc said "how wonderful it is to be in the presence of someone who really loves you, and Jesus really loves you!"

Thank you Jesus!

I believe, I adore, I trust and I love You. 
I beg pardon for those who do not believe, 
do not adore, do not trust and do not love You

I believe, I adore, I trust and I love You. 
I beg pardon for those who do not believe, 
do not adore, do not trust and do not love You

I believe, I adore, I trust and I love You. 
I beg pardon for those who do not believe, 
do not adore, do not trust and do not love You

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Divine Mercy Conference 2018 - Rosary, COAST TO COAST - Sunday, October 7

I regret that I was not able to attend the Friday and Saturday Sessions of the Conference, 
Thank you Mother Mary that  I was able to join in the Coast to Coast Rosary 
at Blessed Sacrament Parish this afternoon.

3:00 PM 
Meet and Greet at Our Lady's Kiosk 

3:45 In the Church 

We were welcomed by Dennis who led us in a Prayer of Marian Consecration

Dennis read the following excerpt  from James Shaw's book on Our Lady of the Cape
"So the triumphal Congress ( Marian Congress) was such a success that the project was conceived of bringing Our Lady of the Cape to her subjects all over the Nation in such a way that the 
Ottawa Marian Congress and the Centenary of the Immaculate Conception in 1954, all of Canada would be linked together in a Rosary of Marian Demonstrations stretching from Sea to Sea. 
This was done. 

The statue went through the Prairie Districts by way of Manitoba  in 1949, travelled north over the Arctic Circle and west to the Pacific Coast in 1950 and 1951. It toured Ontario and Quebec in 1952 and went east as far as the Atlantic Ocean in 1953. 

The Demonstration of devotion to Canada's Queen of the Holy Rosary and remarkable train of reported blessings and cures over Canada is enough to fill a whole book written in French which deals only with the first part of the book" 

Audio - Marian Consecration and Talk
 Dennis Girard

Video of the Blessing of the Roses
by Archbishop Prendergast

 Rosary - Glorious Mysteries
- Led by Sister Philomena Daughter of Mary- 
Queenship of Mary Community

We offered up the Holy Rosary in honour of Our Lady of the Cape, Queen of Canada and Queen of the Holy Rosary, in reparation, and petition,  the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, for life, marriage and peace in the world, for the intentions of the members of the Confraternity of the Most Holy Rosary, for our archbishop and the clergy in the Diocese of Ottawa and Cornwall, as a sign of  all our brothers and sisters praying the Coast to Coast Rosary, 
and in thanksgiving for God's provision and grace. 

After praying the Rosary 

Thank You Mother Mary!

US Rosary Coast to Coast

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Man roundhouse-kicks pro-life woman

If Prime Minister Justin Trudeau doesn't condemn this than I think that would mean he thinks that such acts of violence are ok. So far I haven't heard a word from him. Incidentally acts of violence directed towards peaceful pro life folks are a common occurrence.  

Last year at the Life Chain in Ottawa a woman jumped out of a car on Saint Laurent Blvd and grabbed a sign from one of the participants badmouthed him and pushed him to the ground. 

Our politicians and the Left Wing Media will have you believe that pro lifers are violent but nothing could be farther from the truth. 

In fact in regards to the Bubble Zone around the abortion facility on Bank Street, there has been no evidence whatsoever of violent behaviour from pro lifers  that would warrant such an extreme measure against  our right to free speech 

Ottawa blogger Patricia Maloney did extensive research on this click here


Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Dear Troubled Catholics - Ralph Martin

Dear Troubled Catholics,
I have never seen so many “ordinary Catholics”—who usually never follow or hear about Church news—
as deeply troubled as I have seen them in response to the recent revelations

about the retired archbishop of Washington, DC.
Cardinal Theodore McCarrick was asked by the pope to resign 

from his membership in the College of Cardinals 
and ordered to live in seclusion until a canonical trial can be held 

to verify the validity of charges of 
sexual abuse and harassment made against him. 
After the first brave person came forward (whose accusations were found credible by the 
Archdiocese of New York Review Board), more and more followed.

The climate of fear among many of our clergy—
the fear of being punished or marginalized if they report sexual immorality

among their fellow clergy or leaders—is starting to break.

Cardinal McCarrick is now known as Archbishop McCarrick.
What has been so disturbing to so many people is the fact that there had been numerous warnings 
to various church officials that he was a homosexual predator, harassing many seminarians,

priests, and young boys, for many years, but nothing had ever been done about it,

and he was continually promoted. 
Even after a delegation of priests and lay people went to Rome

to warn the Vatican about the situation, he was promoted. 
Even after a leading Dominican priest wrote a letter to Cardinal O’Malley, nothing was done. 
Even after lawsuits accusing him of homosexual sexual harassment in two of his previous dioceses 
had been settled with financial awards, he was still promoted. 
And not only that, he became a key advisor to Pope Francis and offered advice 
on whom to appoint as bishops in the United States!
for the complete text  of Ralph Martin's letter click here