Saturday, December 4, 2010

Proposals on how you can promote passage of Roxanne's Law (Bill C-510)

The second reading of Roxanne's Law (Bill C-510) has been moved to Monday, December 13th with the crucial vote to take place on Wednesday, December 15th. Here are some proposals on how you can promote passage of the Bill:

The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada
From Priests for Life Canada

Bless Our God


O the Depths of the Riches and Wisdom and knowledge of God. How unsearchable His judgements. How inscrutable His ways. For who has known the mind of the Lord or who has been His counselor or who has given a gift to God to receive a gift in return. From Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen. (Romans 11:33-36)

Friday, December 3, 2010

EFC has released a second video of Canadian women who support Roxanne's Law!

 Text of Roxanne's Law

EFC has released a second video of Canadian women who support Roxanne's Law!

If you are a Canadian woman, or a man who cares about Canadian women, please submit your own video in support of Roxanne's Law. Full instructions on how to do this are posted on EFC's website: Just scroll down the page and you'll find everything you need.

And check out some of the men who care about Canadian women:

....and some Canadian women:

....and last but not least, some of the honourable men and women who sit in our House of Commons who care about Canadian women (Is your MP shown here?):

What triggered this campaign? As Faye Sonier says on EFC's blog, it is " partly in response to female Members of Parliament having suggested in the House of Commons that the bill lacked support from Canadian women.....While some may argue the contrary, many Canadian women do support Roxanne’s Law, and one of the main purposes of this campaign is to draw attention to the voices of women who want to see the bill passed.

"MP Nicole Demers (Laval, BQ) is one female MP who expressed in the House that the women of Quebec and Canada “are not fools” and that through this bill, “men are trying to decide what is good for us.”

"I sincerely hope that Ms. Demers didn’t believe that her position reflected that of all Canadian women. She didn’t speak for all Canadian women that morning, and she certainly did not speak for me."

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Canadian Women Support Roxanne's Law


The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada's (EFC) Centre for Faith and Public Life is launching a two-week campaign In support of Bill C-510, Roxanne’s Law’s, against coerced abortion. C-510 is scheduled to be voted on in the House of Commons on Dec.15. The CFPL has created a new webpage with information about the bill, how you can get involved and guidelines on submitting a video to this social media campaign. Visit

Friday, November 26, 2010

Christmas Food Court Flash Mob, Hallelujah Chorus - Must See!

Performed by Chorus Niagara at the Seaway Mall in Welland, Ontario


SOLEMN VIGIL FOR ALL NASCENT HUMAN LIFE: To mark the beginning of Advent and preparations for Christmas, the Holy Father has invited all dioceses, parishes, religious communities, movements and associations throughout the world to join him in a Solemn Vigil for All Nascent Human Life.  This will be celebrated on first vespers for the First Sunday of Advent. The vigil is to thank God for the Incarnation of his Son and for the gift of Life, and to ask for the Lord's protection over every human being called into existence.  In the Archdiocese of Ottawa, this prayer service will be held at Notre Dame Cathedral Basilica on Saturday evening, November 27, 7:00 p.m.  Archbishop Terrence Prendergast, S.J. will preside at this Vespers Liturgy.  All are encouraged to attend.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Mass to Celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe

Our Lady of Guadalupe.
Pray for us
Mass to Celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe 
As we continue on our PIlgrimage of Masses to pray for the opening of a Pro Life Medical Centre in Ottawa and for an end to abortion, we invite you to join  us for the next mass on our journey which also coincides with the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. 

Date: Dec.11, 2010

Chief Celebrant: His Grace, Archbishop Terrence Prendergast
Location; Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
400 St. Laurent Blvd
Time 9:00 AM
Refreshments to follow the mass

For more information on the pilgrimage of masses see the page on my blog at this link

There is a new book titled 'Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of The Civilization of Love' It is co-authored by Carl Anderson, Supreme Knight of The Knights of Columbus, and Mgr. Eduardo Chavez, Postulator of the Cause of St. Juan Diego.
On Pages 47 and 48 they discuss the four-petaled Jasmine flower on the gown of Our Lady of Guadalupe. To the tribe of Indians to which St. Juan Diego belonged, this four-petaled Jasmine flower represented the 'unknown deity'. Some of the titles attributed to this 'unknown deity' were: 'Him for whom one lives', 'Creator of people', 'Owner of the near and close' and 'Lord of heaven and earth'.
The authors remark that "in a special way this harks back to St. Paul's address at the Areopagus, where he spoke to the Athenians about their worship of the 'unknown God', whom they detected but did not understand".There is only ONE four-petaled Jasmine flower on the gown of Our Lady of Guadalupe and this is situated over her pregnant womb. So Our Lady through this flower, strategically placed on her gown by The Great Creator, may be said to paraphrase both St. Paul and the Gospel of St. John by indicating in a poignant way "My son, The Word, is The True God”; He has come to dwell among you; He IS with you".

Truly, the Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe is pregnant with meaning. Or we can say 'pregnant with Meaning'. That is, she is pregnant with Him who means everything!

Directions to Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church
By car:
Go North on St. Laurent Blvd. and cross over Montreal Road. You will pass Notre Dame Cemetery on your left. Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church is is less than one km. away on the left side of the Boulevard.

By Bus:
For information re Bus from your Home to the St. Laurent Bus Station, kindly call 613-741-4390.
From upstairs at the St. Laurent Station take either a #5 or a #7 bus from bus stop 3A