Sunday, January 12, 2025

Thursday, January 2, 2025

His Holy Face

Run With Life: Finance committee biased against pro-life charities

Run With Life: Finance committee biased against pro-life charities
Action Canada for Sexual Health & Rights said this in their submission for the PRE-BUDGET CONSULTATIONS IN ADVANCE OF THE 2025 BUDGET: 
'In Canada, anti-abortion organizations use misleading information in an attempt to dissuade people from seeking safe abortion and some politicians are promoting disinformation regarding sexuality education and gender-affirming care.' 

This misinformation and disinformation from ACSHR resulted in this recommendation from the Report of the Standing Committee on Finance:

ACSHR makes unproven and already debunked allegations about pro-life charities, and this results in the Standing Committee on Finance recommending that pro-life charities lose their charitable status. Is this for real? Did the committee verify these allegations? Did they do any checking at all on the validity of these claims? Because if they did they would have learned that any disinformation and misinformation comes from the pro-abortion side of the divide.

Unbelievably, this committee is willing to recommend that an entire sector of charities lose their charitable status, based on untruths. These falsehoods come from an organization that has received millions of dollars in government grants, all the while Pro-life charities receive no government grants.

And should a charity that receives millions, be allowed to lobby the government to remove the charitable status from another charity? Is this ethical? Or are ethics not important anymore?

Removing the charitable status from pro-life organizations, based on unproven allegations from another charity, who themselves receive millions in government funding, and who have a long history of attacking pro-life groups with the help of these government grants, should bear some pretty serious scrutiny. But no, pro-life people and charities have endured bias from the pro-abortions and this Liberal government for nine long years.

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Annunciation of the Lord Parish - Senior Luncheon December 18 2024


Run With Life: Ontario pays for 19 abortions in the US at $17,382...

This is disgusting. (Thanks Pat for all the research you do) The more the baby suffers the higher the fee. Doctor's who kill babies are serial killers in my books. 

Run With Life: Ontario pays for 19 abortions in the US at $17,382...: Further to my previous post on Ontario's out-of-country abortion numbers of 2023-2024, I now have the cost of these abortions.  ...

Saturday, December 7, 2024

The Van Maren Show - How leftists manipulate language to frame the debate on abortion, euthanasia, transgenderism

Why does the government fund far-right hate and not far-left hate?

Run With Life: Why does the government fund far-right hate and no...Dear Minister of Diversity, Inclusion and Persons with Disabilities Kamal Khera,
Your department handed out $708,400 in 2020 and 2023 to the Anti-Hate Network. Public Safety gave them $200,000 this year.

I have a couple of questions I would like you to answer for me regarding the work that the anti-hate network is doing for this money.

1) In 2023, Statistics Canada reported a +260% increase in Catholic hate crimes in 2021. In the past couple of years there have been 112 cases of vandalization or burning of Catholic churches

Not only did your government not act or report on these hate crimes, neither did the Anti-Hate Network. Can you please explain this lack of action from the government, and from the organization that your government has given almost a million dollars to?

2) The Anti-Hate Network hasn't reported on the extreme hatred of the Oct 7 terrorist attack on Israel by the hate group Hamas?
Why not?

3) The Anti-Hate Network is part of the Antifa movement Regarding a case where the anti-hate network sued Barbara and Jon Kay:
"The judge said that the statements made had the benefit of being true, noting that, “CAHN did in fact assist Antifa and that the movement has been violent,” and it would be reasonable to state that it is not a “good look” for a human rights organization to support a violent movement. Additionally, the judge concluded the defence of fair comment could apply, meaning the opinions expressed by the Kays could be reasonably drawn from the known facts and were not expressed out of malice. The judge noted that even “Warman’s evidence was that he and CAHN were part of the Antifa movement,” and its “muscular resistance” and “physical disruption” were known to two other board members."
Why is the Canadian government funding an organization that is involved with Antifa?

4) The anti-hate network only focuses on (what they call) 'far-right', or 'ultra-right' or 'extreme-right' organizations. Why are they not also focusing on far-left hate organizations?

5) Your own anti-racism strategy only talks about far-right organizations and not far-left organizations. Why does your government not care about 'far-left', or 'ultra-left' or 'extreme-left'  hatred? 

I look forward to your answers to my questions.

Thank you.

Patricia Maloney

NOTE: I have no idea how Canadian Heritage's promotion of 'linguistic and cultural diversity', and 'arts and heritage sectors' and 'helping to share our stories and build a strong inclusive Canada' aligns with giving tax dollars to the Anti-Hate Network who aligns itself with Antifa, and doesn't care about Catholic hate crimes and burning churches.