Friday, September 27, 2024

Canada Post suspends employees who refused to deliver flyers opposing child sex-change operations

Two Canada Post employees in New Brunswick have been suspended for their refusal to deliver a flyer calling for a provincial “child sex-change ban,” according to a union representative. 

Shannon Aitchison, a mail carrier in the Saint John area said she was suspended without pay for five days for refusing to deliver material from Campaign Life Coalition, a registered national lobbyist group that has been distributing postcards across the province ahead of the New Brunswick election. 

The postcards have accused teachers of “pushing transgenderism” and described gender-reassignment surgery as “chemical and surgical mutilation.” 

Campaign Life Coalition’s most recent postcard said that “no child is ‘born in the wrong body,’” and that “God doesn’t make mistakes.” 

Aitchison, who is the mother of a transgender child herself, told Brunswick News that “the third flyer was straight-up nonsense. God doesn’t make mistakes,’ so you’re telling me my child is a mistake?”

“I just looked at (the postcard) and thought I’m not giving this to people,” she said. 

Although certain material may be objectionable to the organization, its staff or customers, Canada Post is still required to carry it. 

Canada Post said that the content of the postcards didn’t meet the threshold of “non-mailable matter,” meaning the Crown corporation is still obligated to deliver them.

However, five Saint John-area Canada Post carriers opted not to deliver the most recent postcard last week, according to Aitchison, who also serves as the recording secretary for the local postal workers’ union.  

Two of those five carriers were suspended while the status of the remaining three is still in limbo. 

According to Aitchison, two additional carriers used paid personal days to avoid working the window where the postcards were to be delivered, following management recommendation.  

Campaign Life Coalition threatened legal action against Canada Post last month after the national postal workers’ union claimed that some of its employees in New Brunswick had been granted the “option” not to deliver its initial postcard. 

The union has since denied giving workers that “direction” while Canada Post wouldn’t confirm nor deny if it had granted such an option. 

“I am glad that Canada Post, as a federal government agency, is taking seriously its obligation to provide services equally to all Canadians. How it accomplishes that service obligation is up to CP,” said Campaign Life Coalition spokesperson Jack Fonseca, reacting to news of the suspensions. 

He added that Canada Post “simply does not have the right to engage in viewpoint discrimination.”

However, Aitchison argues that the flyer violates the Crown corporation’s Anti-Racism and Anti-Discrimination Charter, which Canada Post employees and customers must adhere to under a zero-tolerance policy.  

“Whoever vet this (postcard) did not do a good job,” said Aitchison, who is now back to work and has been informed that she’ll be reimbursed for her days off.

Canada Post spokesperson ValĂ©rie Chartrand responded to claims that its Anti-Racism and Anti-Discrimination Charter had been violated by the postcards by saying that “internal policies cannot supersede our responsibility as the national postal service to deliver items.” 

“Our important and longstanding role to deliver the country’s mail should not be seen as tolerance or support for the contents of any mailing,” Chartrand said. “We are a neutral third party regardless of our views, with limited regulated exceptions on what can be mailed in Canada.” 

Is Your Church Promoting Life Chain?


Wednesday, September 25, 2024

40 Days for Life, September 25, 2024

Jackie and I took the bus downtown bright and early ( I should just say early because it wasn't very bright) Thank you Lord for this day, for the rain for the opportunity to pray during this 40 Days for Life Campaign. 

We arrived at approximately 6:35 and began by praying the Holy Face Chaplet, for the mothers, for the babies, for the abortionists for our society, for all of us who are responsible for this holocaust of the most innocent souls among us. Lord Have mercy 

Joan the Pro-Life Rep at Assumption Parish in Vanier  arrived around seven and joined us as we prayed the Rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet. She will stay with her parishioners for the day. God bless her!

Jaclkie left around 7 to attend Mass at 9 at our parish of the Annunciation of the Lord in Gloucester and to be present for the St. Monica Prayer Group

I left shortly after that when Diane and a few others arrived from Assumption Parish.  

It was still raining buckets when I left

Thank you Jesus!

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

U.S. Grace Force Basic Training Ep. 3 - Battle for the Soul of America

How did we get here? What is it that has snatched the Divine Life from us, killing off any zeal for God’s mission of battling evil and saving souls? There are actually three wounds that ravage souls and bring spiritual death to them by turning away from God. St. John speaks of this triple slavery when he says: “For all that is in the world — the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the pride of life — these do not come from the Father but are from the world” (1 Jn 2:16). Christ came to set us free, to restore the order that had been destroyed. With this end in view, He gave us the three evangelical counsels – or, counsels of perfection. These are Poverty, Chasity and Obedience. Detached from the world, and fully attached to God, let’s battle for the soul of America!

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Run With Life: Canada spends $6,496,076 on 'pride' in 2023

Run With Life: Canada spends $6,496,076 on 'pride' in 2023:In 2023 Canada doled out $6,496,076 to the 'pride' ideology. That's a hefty increase to the previous three years when we spent $12,548,238 (for the three years during Covid 2020-2022 for an average of $4,182,746 a year. Also note that this money does not include the millions and millions spent on all things LGBTQ, but only 'pride' as in parades, festivals etc.)

I like this particular gem of $1.5 million given to Vancouver to combat 'the rise of hate':

'This 10-month project will address the rise of hate towards the 2SLGBTQIA+ community by supporting the Pride events teams and organizers across the country. This will be achieved through the redistribution of funds to pride events to increase their safety and security and the creation and implementation of training and resources on events safety available to FiertĂ© Canada Pride’s network and beyond.'

Program name and purpose:

'Equality for Sex, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression Program

The purpose of ESSOGIE program is to advance social, political and economic equality with respect to sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression. Advancement towards a greater understanding of the intersection of sex and gender with other identity factors that include race, national and ethnic origin, Indigenous origin or identity, age, sexual orientation, socio-economic condition, place of residence and disability are encouraged under the Program.'

Friday, September 20, 2024

Million Person March - September 20, 2024 - Hands off our Children - Parental Rights are Human Rights

After attending 9AM Mass at Annunciation of the Lord Parish in Ottawa Pat and I took the LRT downtown to participate in the March. We arrived just as the Speeches were happening. Here are a few of them below as well as a short video of the partipants leaving the Hill for the March down Elgin Street to the Human Rights Monument and then  returning to the Hill

 After the March Jackie and I prayed the Chaplet of the Holy Face: for all who are blinded by this evil that has permeated society Lord Hear our prayer and have mercy on us 

Thank you Kamel and to all the organizers of the One Million Person March

John Fonseco Campaign Life Coalition

Dr. Anne Gillies

This is so sad 

Stage one in transitioning - puberty blockers

Stage two in transitioning -Cross sex hormones

Stage three in transitioning - surgery

Photos below
More from Pat soon 

from Jackie
from Jackie

A few I took