Showing posts with label Life Canada. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life Canada. Show all posts

Sunday, May 12, 2013

National March for Life in Ottawa - May 9, 2013



from Cardinal Collins homily
" We need to think clearly . We reflect upon how we best can be faithful in proclaiming the Gospel of Life. It's not enough simply to proclaim the Gospel of Life. . That's necessary but it's not sufficient. We need to do it faithfully and effectively: look to ways we can creatively help those people who cannot see the value of human life from conception 'til natural death. How can we help people see the truth? 
We have to look at ways for example that we can find: In the bills of parliament, that we can limit abortion....more that's good....and then more that's better.....then even more, that's better.....We may not be able to do it all at once now, but it is far better to limit it, limit it, limit it, persistently, rather than say unless we can do it totally now, like that, we won't do it at all: we'll wait 'til we can do it perfectly .
God expects of us that we will think it through, not for our sake but for the sake of the people we serve."
For the video of Cardinal Collins' homily click here
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