Showing posts with label Christ bearer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christ bearer. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Be Christ Bearers for the World

Today Father Rob Arsenault celebrates his 25th Anniversary as a priest.  How blessed are we as a parish to have been able to join in this celebration with the beautiful mass this morning followed by adoration until 4:00PM with Deacon Marc Gauthier

Father Rob and Father John concelebrated mass and Father Rob gave the homily. He spoke of sacrifice: offering up to appease God.. He quoted from Bishop Baron "Catholicism is an inversion. God offers Himself up to appease us.

On the altar we offer the simple elements of bread and wine. We offer this to God who in turn gives us the Body and Blood Soul and Divinity of His Son, Jesus Christ.

When you eat food, your body breaks it down. It becomes you. When we receive Holy Communion worthily we become more like Christ for the benefit of those who were not at mass today.

If the priest is willing to sacrifice himself for us, our role is to sacrifice ourselves for the world: to be evangelizers, to be Christ bearers.

If God can use simple elements like bread and wine He can use you and me.

Be a Christ Bearer and do not be afraid.

Father Rob also asked us to pray for priests